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Job applicant raises concerns about 'audacity' of interviewer to ask for out-of-contract activities

Navigating the job market, especially when the need for a stable income is pressing, is a challenging ordeal for many.

Job applicant raises concerns about 'audacity' of interviewer to ask for out-of-contract activities
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sora Shimazaki

Securing employment often proves to be a laborious undertaking, further compounded by heightened stress when a reliable income source becomes an urgent requirement. Many individuals have encountered enterprises that exploit this vulnerability, manifesting in disrespectful treatment toward job seekers. One such person, u/Ineedmynightmares, shared their story on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit. She explained, "Had a job interview at a bookstore, the longest interview of my life tbh. Guy asks me plenty of questions very detailed questions and ends on this beauty: 'So what else can you do for us?'"

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anna Shvets

She was first confused by the question and asked them to clarify, to which they responded, "What special skills do you have? Could be electrician, baking, plumbing, anything that can be of service to us." The question left her absolutely flabbergasted. "I told him, I really didn't know what answer he expected out of me, said, 'I can lift boxes' and noped out of there as fast as I could. Most obvious red flag I've ever seen. I've had employers try to get me to do out-of-contract activities but never has anyone had the audacity to outright say it in the interview. [Does] anybody have similar stories happen to them? Or am I alone in this crazy world?"

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

Apparently, it was not uncommon for companies to ask more of their potential employees. u/777joeb responded, "One of my coworkers is a mason and does side work where he finds it for extra income. My employer found out and asked him to build some stuff for the office. We aren't paid anywhere near what he makes an hour as a mason. He gave them an estimate the next day and the memory of it makes me smile every time I think of it," to which the woman replied, "Very professional way to set boundaries, whilst also giving them "a chance" to get what they wanted. I like it." u/SuckerForNoirRobots said, "'Nothing, I'm not paid for.'"

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

In a similar instance, another job applicant u/JodieBella, an EMT and a single mom, garnered a lot of appreciation as she revealed the red flags showcased in one interview and criticized the system that exploits the employees. She said she was making $27/hr as a medical assistant at her last job but decided to get back into first responding and transport. "Walked into the interview, [and] the guy immediately started talking about how they hire absolutely no employees from another ems company because they hate said ems company. Then he preceded to tell me that he just finished firing a new guy on the spot for dinging a mirror," she wrote on Reddit.

Image Source: Reddit/ Photo by u/SubKreature
Image Source: Reddit

 "Did not ask me any questions about myself or my experiences, spent 30 minutes talking about how much their company makes, then asks me if I'd be okay with $14/hr. I asked for $16 and then he brought it down to $13.75. The job listing stated $17-$23. I laughed and told him I'd probably fair better at McDonald's. Poverty wages are unacceptable. Capitalism has gotten out of hand." The comment section supported u/JodieBella's decision to walk out with u/BidAdministrative608 stating, "It is laughable how much EMTs make. The people saving your life before you get to the hospital. I really wanted to be an EMT until I saw the wages."

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