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Some conservatives find JLo and Shakira’s stunning Super Bowl outfits 'too vulgar'

The undeniably spectacular performance put on by Jennifer Lopez and Shakira was deemed too vulgar and inappropriate by a conservative few.

 Some conservatives find JLo and Shakira’s stunning Super Bowl outfits 'too vulgar'
Cover Image Source: Shakira (L) and Jennifer Lopez perform onstage during the Pepsi Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show at Hard Rock Stadium on February 02, 2020, in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

The coveted Super Bowl halftime show has long been an extremely risky gig for performers as the criticisms that follow tend to be particularly harsh. Remember the time The Black Eyed Peas put on that disastrously tone-deaf show in 2011 that almost left our ears bleeding? Or more recently when Maroon 5 took a shot at it last year amid all the outrage over the NFL's blacklisting of Colin Kaepernick and the only takeaway from it was Adam Levine's exposed nipples? Safe to say, not everyone is cut out for the Super Bowl halftime show stage. However, when Jennifer Lopez and Shakira took the stage on Sunday, it was a whole different story. The ladies killed it and how!

Singers Shakira and Jennifer Lopez perform during the Pepsi Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show at Hard Rock Stadium on February 02, 2020, in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images)


Their 15-minute-long electrifying performance can only be described as a historic unapologetic celebration of life, all things Latinx, culture, and identity. The ladies owned their heritage, talent, and sexuality on stage and by the end of it, I found myself automatically reaching for a glass of water to quench my thirst. Fans loved it, publications showered the stars with all kinds of praise, and fellow celebs bowed down to the Latina queens for the unforgettable spectacle they put on. However, there were some who had a bone to pick with JLo and Shakira for—I can't believe this is still a thing—their outfits.

As it turns out, JLo and Shakira proudly shaking what their mammas gave them and flaunting their unbelievably sexy bodies on stage ruffled quite a few conservative feathers. May I just take a moment to remind everyone that these two self-made, hardworking, badass, women are 50 and 43-years-old respectively and still look like frickin supermodels?! If I look even half as hot as them at that age, you bet your internet troll ass I will flaunt it.

Shakira (L) and Jennifer Lopez perform onstage during the Pepsi Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show at Hard Rock Stadium on February 02, 2020, in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)


However, their energetic performance that oozed confidence, unbridled feminine energy, and sexuality, apparently left many disgusted and commenting on just how much skin the stars showed. Twitter user Ali Dockstader declared: I was not impressed with Shakira and J Lo. Only interested in showing off their bodies and how vulgar they can be. No self-respect! Another user Emptynester1491 lamented how their church visit that morning had been rendered meaningless by watching the performance. I went to church this morning and after seeing the vulgar and sexual display that J Lo and Shakira put on, I feel like I need to have my brain and eyes washed. J Lo is such a ho, the disgruntled lamb of God wrote.



Meanwhile, another self-appointed fashion police, Ellie Peters, tweeted: Their outfits should be behind closed bedroom doors. Shakira looked and kept dirty tongue action vulgar crotch shot the same and wiggling friend are not family-friendly shows. J Lo beautiful but inappropriate outfits crotch shots And old songs to boot. Disappointed vile show. TruthTellerVB501 chimed in with: J LO was nasty - vulgar. Her performance and the presence of children was inappropriate and disturbing.



Thankfully, some Twitter users shut down the trolls by reminding them of the century we live in and the hypocrisy of it all. Coming to JLo and Shakira's defense, Sophia Rxyenia tweeted: I love how white people are upset my Latina queens J.Lo and Shakira were "half-naked" like they didn’t have Adam Levine’s raw chicken ass prancing across stage without his shirt on last year. Another Twitter user Tsunderelli wrote: Legit that is the only thing it can be. Because damn, Shakira and J.Lo slayed and if we're gonna complain about skimpy popstars in 2020, may I all remind you of the Slave 4 U video that Britney put out in 2001? Skimpy popstars have been part of American culture my whole life. I'm 34. Amen!


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