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Jasmine's transitioning story: From being bullied in school to becoming an inspiring woman

Jasmine had all the odds stacked against her as a child but managed to come out the other end a happy confident woman.

Jasmine's transitioning story: From being bullied in school to becoming an inspiring woman
Image source: Instagram/@jasmine.vinee

Jasmine Vine had a troubled childhood, growing up in a home filled with violence, and being ostracized in school. She even considered taking her own life. There were a lot of things going wrong in Jasmine's life, but the biggest problem was that she didn't identify with the gender assigned to her at birth. Her life changed for the better as she transitioned to a woman and has since become an inspiration to many others. Jasmine gained so much confidence that she's now focused on helping others transition. She is now a gender affirmation coach. Jasmine is also a TikTok star and often posts videos on transition and gender identity.


“My name is Jasmine Vine: a name which I picked for myself when I was becoming the wonderful transgender woman I am today. The first time I remember feeling like taking my own life, I was 7 years old," said Jasmine, reported Bored Panda. "My home life was filled with violence, my parents often chose drugs over food, and I was already a social outcast, being called the f-word in kindergarten. None of my family members had jobs. They taught me how to get the most out of government systems. They even thought me how to steal,” she added.


When she decided to transition at the age of 14, she made the choice of documenting it on YouTube. She got overwhelming responses from people stating that she was giving courage to others to transition and it meant the world to her. "I often received feedback saying I have helped people find their courage, come out, and feel confident in themselves. Throughout my darkest times, this kept me alive," said Jasmine. "I’ve always had a deep desire to help people, and knowing I could do that got me through times I didn’t think I would get through." She realized that helping other people was her true calling and that's how she became a gender affirmation coach.


Jasmine is in a happy place now but her journey riddled with obstacles. “It’s not possible to shorten my story enough to fit this small space, so I’ll zoom over a couple of things: I was addicted to marijuana. I was diagnosed with depression, bipolar, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and god knows what else. I hit my lowest low, spending some time in a psychiatric facility medicated out of my mind. I lost both of my parents,” she said.


She decided to focus on herself. “Basically, my brain became my worst enemy. My mind was a warzone, and I was enemy number one. Many years of psychology and change work later, reading, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, working on myself, and most recently investing in coaching and change work, and now, I have reconnected with my values and my purpose! I have leveled up so quickly, my head is spinning, and I am ready to make up for lost time!” she said. 


She then pursued her entrepreneurial dreams of becoming a gender affirmation coach. Jasmine says the key thing is to believe there is no authentic trans person. "Gender is a social construct. Your identity is not a performance. It simply is, and you deserve respect no matter what. Cis peeps, saying "wow, I never would have known" to a trans person implies that "passing" trans peeps are "more valid" and this is actually hurtful. Trans people are not "successfully" or "sufficiently" trans when they are no longer perceived as their assigned gender at birth. We are all valid no matter what," she wrote.



Jasmine now focuses on helping other people. “I want people to know that they can experience a lot of bad things and can still turn it around and become a confident, powerful change-maker! I designed the life I am living, and I continue to design it every day. Ultimately my purpose in life is to help other people live their lives by design,” she said.



You can follow her on Instagram, TikTok, and her website.

If you're trans and are being subjected to abuse, or need any help, please reach out to TRANS LIFELINE at 877-330-6366.

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