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Italy is replacing plastic straws with pasta, and it's the most absurd thing ever

In an effort to save the planet, Italian engineering has stunned us all once again with the invention of pasta straws.

Italy is replacing plastic straws with pasta, and it's the most absurd thing ever

Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably familiar with the fight against plastic straws. It's been estimated that about 8.1 percent of all the plastic waste generated on the planet is made up of plastic straws. Therefore, bars, pubs, restaurants, and anywhere else that you can find straws, have been trying to cut down on plastic by switching to straws made of other materials. While some have chosen to go the reusable route, that is, metal or glass straws, others have chosen to continue using disposable straws. Instead of being made of plastic, however, they use alternative materials such as paper. An Italian firm has now created straws that, like paper, are compostable — but they're made of pasta.


Known as Stroodles, the straw firm was born out of the belief that it was possible to combat poor consumer decisions and save the planet, without forcing individuals to become so-called "eco-warriors." According to the official Stroodles website, the company hopes to offer a "natural product beyond compromise in quality and functionality, which considers the environment first, [as] a positive step in the right direction." The company affirmed, "We want to inspire the world and show how easy it is to do good – with just one Stroodle at a time." Besides, what's more Italian than a straw made out of pasta? A lot of people believe that these new pasta straws are Italian engineering at its finest.


Now, you're probably wondering, won't the straw make your drink all starchy if you leave the pasta straw in it for too long? Stroodles guarantees it won't. The company's straws are "high performers with a long endurance and will stay strong and firm for well over an hour in various types of cold drinks." In hot drinks, however, the straws may not last as long. Unfortunately, using a pasta straw with a hot drink could lead to an "injury-like tongue burn." Therefore, the firm recommends using their pasta straws strictly with cold drinks only — unless you want to make noodle soup, that is.


But what about the taste of your drink, you ask? Stroodles are completely tasteless and don't add any kind of flavor to your drink. The firm explains, "In some rare cases you might see a tiny bit of starch being released after a long while, but even that doesn't alter the taste." The pasta straws are, like any kind of pasta, made with wheat and water (which means they are unfortunately not gluten-free), making them totally edible, compostable, and fully biodegradable. Perhaps the one question that the company hasn't answered is why consumers can't just drink from the glass instead. While there are numerous reasons for this, the most important one is to cater to the disabled community. Many disabled individuals require straws because their physical limitations may not allow them to drink straight from the glass. Therefore, even if it's just a minor change, using a Stroodle can be the small step you take to make a large impact.


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