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Italian mom writes heartfelt note in English to support daughter struggling with mental health

The note may not have been grammatically correct, but it overwhelmed the daughter with the love she needed.

Italian mom writes heartfelt note in English to support daughter struggling with mental health
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels| Polina Tankilevitch, Reddit | u/exxothermic

With the many mental health issues people are facing, what’s most important is to have the support and understanding of parents and loved ones to get through the difficult phase. Although it may not be visible, having that love and support helps massively. A woman shared on Reddit how her mother, in the sweetest way, helped her on her journey through her struggles. u/exxothermic shared that she was struggling with her mental health and had opened up about it. Her mother decided to help her out with a helpful and wholesome gesture. The woman then mentioned that her mom came back from work with a list of counselors for her in case she needed help.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Elina Fairytale
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Elina Fairytale

She also left a simple yet heartwarming note for her daughter. The note was written in broken English, but the woman revealed that English was her mom’s second language. Sharing a grammatically correct version of the note, the woman posted all that her mother wrote to her. It consisted of eight pointers that had things she could do to help her feel better and take her mind off what she was struggling with. Right from suggestions, fun chores and even basic, inspiring one-liners, the mom gave the list her best shot to help her daughter. The first pointer read, “Wake up with a big smile; don't let anything change it into a frown.” Her next statement assured the woman that she had her family and loved ones to be there for her.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Cottonbro Studio

The mother also added, “Positivity brings happiness - when sad thoughts arise, please sing out loud.” Next, her mother said, “Just a bit of time with grandparents fills your heart with joy.” Further, along the letter, the mom suggested her daughter try yoga and offered to register her as well. It was evident from the note that the mom was indeed trying her best to help her daughter with whatever knowledge she had. The handwritten note, with its spelling errors and imperfections, visualised the effort and love the mom put into it. In the next pointer, her mom offered to be the listener, to help her carry the weight she’d been feeling.

Image Source: Reddit/u/exxothermic
Image Source: Reddit/u/exxothermic

It read, “Having coffee with your mama to relax - sharing your mood with mama is carrying half of the weight.” It is truly little things like these that account for the most and are often the things one needs. The next pointer read, “On Fridays, movie when you are free.” Followed by this was an open suggestion for the woman to walk her dog and “Bake as the kitchen is all yours.” The note also had “Love you,” with a heart written vertically on the right corner, adding to the wholesomeness. The woman also mentioned that her mother shared the most important reminder at the back of the note. It read, “Love yourself more than anything else; you are incredibly immensely worth it."

Image Source: Reddit/u/exxothermic
Image Source: Reddit/u/exxothermic

Giving in to the curiosity of the overwhelmed readers, the woman revealed in a comment that her mother was Italian. In another comment she added, “She inspires me so much. I helped her learn English and I know how self-conscious she still is when she speaks/writes it, but I'm so proud of her!” u/EntrepreneurMajor478 said, “Beautiful! What a supportive and loving Mama - as it should be!” u/katclimber said, “How lovely! As a mom myself, I can just imagine her sitting at work worrying about you and trying to find ways to make you feel better. Give her a huge hug!”

Image Source: Reddit/u/cowsmilk1994
Image Source: Reddit/u/cowsmilk1994


Image Source: Reddit/u/MedicalConcept-2190
Image Source: Reddit/u/Medical_Concept-2190


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