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Israeli Jewish Antifa hacks KKK website, exposes leader to be alleged child rapist

Patriotic Brigade Knights is an organization affiliated with the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan, according to Southern Poverty Law Center.

Israeli Jewish Antifa hacks KKK website, exposes leader to be alleged child rapist

The website of Patriotic Brigade Knights, an organization affiliated with the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan, was hacked by an anti-fascist Israeli Jewish organization. The hackers also exposed the identities of the members of the Neo-Nazi group, including their pictures, names, and personal information. The original website contained white supremacist imagery and also served as a recruiting platform. The anti-fascist Jewish organization altered the entire page and posted "SHABBAT SHALOM! GOODNIGHT WHITE PRIDE ;)" in huge block letters across the page. Some of the other phrases on the website included, "JEWISH SOLIDARITY WITH ALL OPPRESSED PEOPLES," "NEVER AGAIN" and the Hebrew phrase "Od Avinu Chai!!! Am Yisraeil Chai!!!" reported The Jerusalem Post. Patriotic Brigade is recognized as a KKK cell by the Southern Poverty Law Center and is believed to have been one of the fastest-growing cells.

383374 05: A hooded Klansman raises his left arm while another looks into the crowd during a Ku Klux Klan rally December 16, 2000 in Skokie, IL. A Wisconsin chapter of the Ku Klux Klan held a "White Pride Rally" on the steps of the Cook County Courthouse located in Skokie, a suburb northwest of Chicago. (Photo by Tim Boyle/Newsmakers)

The hackers identified themselves by the name Hayalim Almonim - Hebrew for 'Anonymous Soldiers.' The group told The Jerusalem Post that their "objective is to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of humanity.” Hayalim Almonim said they were declaring psychological warfare on all such White supremacist organizations. “Neo-Nazi and other white supremacist groups believe that Jews have an all-seeing eye. Our desire is to make their fantasies a reality, and exploit their conspiracy theories as a form of psychological warfare," said the group. The group of Jewish hackers warned that they would find White Supremacists, expose and 'destroy' them. "We will bathe in their tears, and mock at the gnashing of their teeth. There is nowhere that is beyond our reach,” they said. 


They also doxxed the alleged leader of the Patriotic Brigade and revealed him as an alleged sex offender named Kevin James Smith. They posted an image of the Texas resident along with his face, address, phone number, date of birth, both email addresses. They also showed proof that he had made the payment to operate the website and also a link leading to his page on the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry. He is registered on the list for having raped a 14-year-old girl. The group of Jewish hackers said they will be focusing on the State of Texas, considered to be where a majority of dangerous white supremacist organizations are based. "We aren't going to stop until we finish the Klan and strike a death blow to fascism in the United States. Facilitation of fascistic terrorist activity will no longer be tolerated," the group told BBC News.

Cover Image Source: Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, is seen at the Capital riots. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images)

Hayalim Almonim believes there are more harmful cells of the Ku Klux Klan. They cite the Church of the Ku Klux Klan, a cell with chapters in 25 different states across America, as one of the more dangerous wings of the KKK. It remains to be seen if Hayalim Almonim will hack their website  — The wing is allegedly led by George Bois Stout, an arms dealer in De Kalb, Texas and a history of organizing White supremacist events. George Bois Stout is referred to as TexasKKK on the infamous white supremacist website Stormfront and has been allegedly involved in promoting white supremacy for three decades. Hayalim Almonim suspects Stout of using his gun retailer as a front to arm white supremacists. Hayalim Almonim will be giving updates on their work on their Twitter account @justice_jew, which is temporarily disabled for now. All information on the hackers and their work will also be available on their website,


Incited by Donald Trump, White Supremacists, among others, stormed Capitol Hill resulting in the death of five people including a police officer. This week, President Biden paid respects to late U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick. During the insurrection, Biden called on Trump, the then-President to put an end to the siege. “What we’re seeing is a small number of extremists dedicated to lawlessness. This is not dissent, it’s disorder, it’s chaos. It borders on sedition. And it must end, now,” said Biden, at the time, reported USA Today.

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