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Irish author wrote a hilarious note explaining why he can't use 'American English' in his books

The 'Author's note' humorously acknowledges the variations in the English language between different regions.

Irish author wrote a hilarious note explaining why he can't use 'American English' in his books
Cover Image Source: (L) Twitter | @WorstFoot; (R) Twitter | @woodmally1979

Novels serve as windows into the souls, visions and lives of writers. It is for this reason that many writers choose to pen their novels in their native language. In the English-speaking world, writers from different regions express themselves through distinct variations of the language. While the languages do not differ much in basic grammar and standard spelling, they do vary in certain pronunciations, spellings, idioms and expressions. As a testament to this fact, recently Twitter user Malcolm Wood (@woodmally1979) shared a page from Caimh McDonnell's work.


Wood wrote in the caption, "One of the best intros I have read." This page was titled, "Author's note on language," it read, "Please note, as the author and the book's main character are from Ireland, it is written in the version of English that is the standard there. So recognize is spelled recognize and not recognize etc."

He further writes, "The author recognizes that some North American readers may find this upsetting, and while he is of course scared of them, he is considerably more scared of his Mammy, who taught him how to spell. Nevertheless, as an apology, here are a bunch of Zs for you to mentally stick in as and when you choose." He concluded with a witty remark, "Zzzzz. Look, they look like mummy ducks and little ducks. They look adorable!"


The post became viral on Twitter with thousands of retweets and people were also quick to share their views on the same. @SoFakingMetal wrote, "The intros alone make him look like an Irish Carl Hiaasen or Christopher Moore. Gonna check him out. Plus every UK slang I know I learned being the only US reader of Will Self." @KayInMD wrote, "Caimh McDonnell always has a similar intro in his books, all of which I highly recommend. His 5-book Dublin Trilogy series (don't ask) & Stranger Times books are, well, strange & wonderful."

@Seagrapedreams commented, "I read so many books by English authors when I was a kid that it messed up my spelling. I even failed a spelling bee. I still spell some words "wrong" like behavior vs behavior."




McDonnell is best known for his series of novels featuring the character Bunny McGarry, a former Irish police officer turned private detective. The Bunny McGarry series combines elements of crime fiction, comedy, and Irish wit, creating an entertaining and unique reading experience, per Profile Critics.

Moreover, McDonnell's writing style is characterized by sharp dialogue, clever plot twists and a blend of humor and suspense. His books often feature flawed and quirky characters that add depth and complexity to the stories. McDonnell's ability to balance comedic moments with compelling crime narratives has gained him a dedicated fan base. He starts many of his books on a humorous tone and this author's note is no different.


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