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Internet rallies around server who got fired after a customer gave false feedback about him

The server shared his distressing experience with a family who was rude to him throughout the time they were dining.

Internet rallies around server who got fired after a customer gave false feedback about him
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @deanredmonds

Being a server is not at all an easy job because of all the different kinds of people one will have to deal with. While there might be a few customers who are pleasant and don't create too much of a scene, there are others who go out of their way to create problems for servers. TikTok creator Dean Redmond, who resides in New York City, put up a video on TikTok describing how he got fired from his job as a server and the internet showered their support on him in the most wholesome way. The video has gained 584.5K views and 784 comments on the social media site.

Image Source: TikTok | @deanredmonds
Image Source: TikTok | @deanredmonds

Redmond starts by stating, "I literally just got fired from my job after going up to this table and asking them for a drink order." He describes how the people sitting at the table did not answer him, so he assumed that they would need a few minutes to decide what they would like to order. As soon as he turns around, the woman at the table rudely states, "Is anyone gonna come over and help us?" Redmond feels bad and rushes over to the table, apologizing to her.

Image Source: TikTok | @deanredmonds
Image Source: TikTok | @deanredmonds

When he explains to her how he thought she needed a minute, the woman retorts by saying how nobody came over to the table. Redmond expresses that he doesn't want to start a fight with her and proceeds to get their drink order. The little boy at the table asks, "Can I get a chocolate milk?" at which the dad screams at him for not checking with him. The man proceeds to ask Redmond how much the chocolate milk costs and he informs him that it is $4.95.

Image Source: TikTok | @deanredmonds
Image Source: TikTok | @deanredmonds

The father seems to think that this price is "highway robbery" and comments, "We could get an entire gallon at the supermarket." He denies the boy his chocolate milk. Redmond shares how he has to take their order while the boy is "profusely crying." They order a pepperoni pizza, which he informs them would take 45 minutes to prepare, along with a few other items. The man is not too happy to hear this and goes on to ask Redmond if their food is ready every 10 minutes after that.

He finally serves them their food, and a while later, a food runner comes back "on the verge of tears," informing him that the man didn't want mustard on his sandwich. This proves to be contradictory as Redmond recalls the man specifically requesting him for extra mustard. When he questions the man about his sandwich order, the wife says, "Are you telling my husband that he didn't know what he wanted to order?"

Redmond clarifies how he specifically wrote extra mustard because the man asked for it. At this point, the man begins to insist that the "customer is always right." The server tells him, "Sir, the customer is always right in case of taste, not when you literally order the sandwich wrong." After hearing this, the man says that he wants to meet the manager. Redmond shares, "My manager goes out there; he literally tells her that I was screaming at them and I purposely put their food in wrong."

Image Source: TikTok | @mrsbirish
Image Source: TikTok | @mrsbirish
Image Source: TikTok | @sslilley2
Image Source: TikTok | @sslilley2

The manager returns and fires him, revealing how this wasn't the first time she has heard such complaints about Redmond. The video concludes with him sadly saying, "Now I'm gonna have to look for a new job." People shared words of support for him in the comments section. @mamadragon917 said, "That manager is part of the problem. You're better off without them. Sending you all the love." @itsjustdanii003 commented, "That manager is a serious issue. She was doing you a favor. I'm sorry sweetie. You will find something in no time. Hugs!" 

Another individual, @b.a.e1988, pointed out, "Oh Dean! I'm so sorry but the manager definitely didn't have your back so I believe the grass will be greener. You'll find something! Promise!" @blueraspberrypuss highlighted, "As stressful as it is at this moment, you will move on to a better job. Your manager should've backed you up regardless of what 'past' customers had to say. You deserve the best love. You got this."

You can follow Dean Redmon (@deanredmond) on his TikTok page to get more insights into a server's life. 

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