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Internet rallies around diabetic employee fired over a medical emergency

The employee's sugar levels shot up and when their health deteriorated, they had to visit a hospital.

Internet rallies around diabetic employee fired over a medical emergency
Cover Image Source: Reddit|u/Hellokittypityparty

Workplaces need to have their restrictions and protocols to maintain professionalism. However, this shouldn’t come at the cost of the health and well-being of employees. No matter the type of work, an employee’s health must be prioritized. An employee, u/Hellokittypityparty shared a post revealing the careless nature of their employer after they were fired over a medical emergency. The employee worked at a salon and had type one diabetes. Their sugar level had gone insanely high and they had to take immediate action. Despite informing the employer of the urgency, the employee was fired for not showing up at work. 

Image Source: Reddit|u/hellokittypityparty
Image Source: Reddit|u/hellokittypityparty

“This all happened because my insulin pump site had clogged and failed. I made sure to message them as soon as I was sure that there was no chance of me going in and really nothing to be done except try and avoid a hospital visit and hope that I didn’t have a seizure or something,” the employee wrote. They shared a screenshot of their employer’s response after they informed them. The employer, Nancy, responded by saying, "Sorry to hear you weren’t able to work your shift today. Looks like training isn’t going to work out for you.” She further tried to manipulate the employee saying that she had the courtesy to pack their things and leave them at their door. 

Image Source: Reddit|u/hellokittypityparty
Image Source: Reddit|u/hellokittypityparty

The employee was astounded at the response and shared their reply. They said, “I didn’t realize that a dangerous night of blood sugar so high it would have put me in a hospital bed would get me fired. So I guess you’re right, training is a no-go.” They further highlighted that they would under no cost “pretend to appreciate” the manipulative courtesy of the employer. “I think it's quite likely that you can't face the gross decision of firing somebody over a medical emergency, let alone look me in the eye,” they added.

The employee also pointed out that despite having a high count of over 500 and being in a hospital bed, they were worried and ensured they informed their workplace. “It appears to be a waste of energy because you are the disappointment in this scenario,” they remarked. They mentioned they were willing to offer a doctor’s note or evidence of their health if the employer didn’t believe them but they didn’t even bother to ask. “Sadly, you guys were so kind for a short while, a mask capable of lasting longer, especially since I wasn’t even scheduled today and volunteered to come in before the emergency took place,” they said.

Image Source: Reddit|u/Samad99
Image Source: Reddit|u/Samad99
Image Source: Reddit|u/CzeckeredBird
Image Source: Reddit|u/CzeckeredBird

They concluded their message with a plea to not hire employees with chronic conditions like this to avoid ruining their health with their ruthlessness. The employee even shared readings of their sugar count which was between 450 and 550 and way over the normal range. u/damndanieldamn wrote, “Unsurprising but unacceptable. Doesn't matter if you're on your deathbed, companies could care less about anyone but the bottom line, Nancy and her boss (or HR) deserve perhaps a swift, but forceful kick in the face.” u/Shiti_CaneCat5 added, “I don't know why people forget that the folks they employ are human beings.” u/Time_on_my_hands said, "It being a shift you volunteered for is the icing on the bullshit cake." 

Image Source: Reddit|u/hellokittypityparty
Image Source: Reddit|u/hellokittypityparty

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