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Internet rallies around artist who was heckled by rude woman as he performed on the street

Andrew Hsu, a street performer, refused to be hindered by the heckler and continued performing to loud cheers from the crowd.

Internet rallies around artist who was heckled by rude woman as he performed on the street
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@theandrewshoe

Persevering as an artist is no easy feat and it takes a lot of courage to get on the stage and perform for others. They are often left to contend with a lot of obstacles and a struggling artist is more likely to face a lot more negative reactions from their audience. Upcoming artists are often left to contend with people who have no intention of appreciating their art and only aim to humiliate them. Andrew Hsu (@theandrewshoe) went through something similar, as he faced a disruptive and rude viewer, who stopped his entire performance. Fortunately, the people around him gave him a helping hand and encouraged him and this gesture was further exemplified by the internet which rallied around him.

Image Source: TikTok/@theandrewshoe
Image Source: TikTok/@theandrewshoe


Andrew Hsu performs every Friday, in Athens, Georgia, as per the NY Post. During one of those performances, he encountered a young woman, who tried to disrupt his performance twice. At first, he was performing a rendition of Billy Joel’s hit song “Piano Man”, when she suddenly appeared, and rudely put her hand on the keyboard. The bystanders moved her away with two people shouting, “No, stop!” and sending her away. Everyone encouraged Hsu to continue on. Hsu wasn't shaken by this because such things apparently happen a lot. In his own words, "I usually just keep playing through it."

Image Source: TikTok/@theandrewshoe
Image Source: TikTok/@theandrewshoe

Unfortunately, this was not the end for the heckler. She came back while Hsu was performing his last set. The singer tried his best to ignore her, but this time, she damaged his equipment. She put her hand on it with such force that the whole set collapsed. The woman immediately said, “I’m so sorry” which many could mistake as her honest reaction, but her friends laughing at the back clearly showcase her true intent.

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A post shared by Andrew Hsu (@andrewhsu0)


The woman did not stop there and stooped even lower when instead of helping, she reached for the singer's tip box and took cash from it. Hsu tried to call her out, but she escaped. Some people also chased her, but she got out of there quickly. It was not all bad for the singer though, as people around him, helped him put his equipment back together. One of them also gave him all the money in his wallet, to cover for what the woman stole. In many ways, it reestablished his faith in humanity.

The singer got more support after he uploaded the video on TikTok, and it went viral with more than 3 million views. People from all corners were appreciative of him and the way he handled the situation. He also got an apology from the woman, who promised to reflect on her actions, as reported by The Daily Mail. “I have taken accountability for my actions. I know it was wrong and ignorant of me but please keep my family out of it,” Heard wrote on her Instagram, which has since been deleted.

Image Source: TikTok/@reagan1718
Image Source: TikTok/@reagan1718
Image Source: TikTok/@yeanotdaylin
Image Source: TikTok/@yeanotdaylin

The comment section was completely on Hsu's side. @thejoeyswoll asked the singer to not let this incident affect him, "This is so sad. I’m sorry this happened brother. Keep playing and making people happy. You don’t deserve this. If I was there I’d have your back." @ciennadery focussed on the good in the situation, "Okay, but the guy who literally gave you all his money from his wallet bless him."


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