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Internet is in awe of this 5-year-old’s heartwarming act for her crying mother

Five-year-old comforts her upset and crying mother with a wonderful gesture. Internet appreciates the upbringing.

Internet is in awe of this 5-year-old’s heartwarming act for her crying mother
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @bbrittikitty

A mother is a daughter’s first best friend. She is her role model and often the person she confides in. However, there are times when a mother needs her daughter more than the daughter needs her. Sharing one such incident, Brittany Christiana, a mother of two and a digital creator, who goes by @brittikitty on Instagram, shared a post where her 5-year-old daughter, Lily, is seen comforting her. The mom shares the context for the video with the text layover, “This is why I can't ever cry around Lily.”

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Brett Sayles
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Brett Sayles

Seeing her mother crying, Lily walks up to her and asks, “Mommy why are you crying?” When Brittany tells her that she is sad, the little girl empathetically asks, “Why are you sad?” Upon hearing that her mother had a bad day, Lily consoles her saying, “That’s okay.” She lends her ears to her mother asking her about the bad day and says, “Why did you have a bad day? Can you tell me?” It is an unusual sight to witness a young child like Lily have high empathy, what she does next is of utmost cuteness and very thoughtful of her.

Image Source: Instagram | @brittikitty
Image Source: Instagram | @brittikitty

“I will get you a popsicle and a water, ‘cause see, you don’t have water anywhere.” She looks around the room for a bottle of water and when she spots none she says, “It’s okay. Let me get you one,” and rushes out of the room. She tells her mother that she will be quick and will be right back. But before getting a bottle, she runs back to her mother to hug her, “I’ll hug you first,” and makes silly faces to make her mother laugh.

Image Source: Instagram | @brittikitty
Image Source: Instagram | @brittikitty

A little later, Lily comes back into the room with a bottle of water, a chocolate bar, and some grain bars and hands it to her mother one by one. “I love you,” she said. The little girl then attempts to make her mother happy and says, “After you eat something,” pointing at the food items placed on the bed, “I’m gonna play with you in the playroom.”

Image Source: Instagram | @brittikitty
Image Source: Instagram | @brittikitty

Brittany’s post garnered over 44 million views and over 3 million likes on Instagram. Brittany wrote in the caption, “The sweetest most empathetic soul I’ve ever met I love her so much. This is how she is every day I can’t believe she’s going to kindergarten in a few weeks. I hope everyone is as nice to her as she will be to them!” Viewers were moved by the behavior of this young child. 

Image Source: Instagram | @jenniferlucytyler
Image Source: Instagram | @jenniferlucytyler
Image Source: Instagram | @jenniferlucytyler
Image Source: Instagram | @muhammadusmanartist

Commending the mother for the young girl's behavior, @nrobertson5 wrote, “I kinda think she has learned this from her sweet mama.” @chrismclellanart wrote, “Omg she will be walking around like a little nurse and taking care of all the kids.” @shakila_nair praised Brittany’s upbringing and wrote, “Children learn from what they see and experience...I’m pretty sure this is what happens to her whenever she’s down and she makes sure she returns the same that she’re doing an amazing job raising this sweet soul so be proud of it.”

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