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Individual uncovers 25-year-old secret about themselves thanks to a doctor-recommended sneeze

A mishap that occured when they were around six was finally resolved over two decades later and people are cracking up.

Individual uncovers 25-year-old secret about themselves thanks to a doctor-recommended sneeze
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @bigoompalumpia

Children are often tempted to take risks and get stuck in the most distressing situations. Sometimes, it may turn out so dangerous that it even impacts their health. One such thing parents need to be constantly on guard about is kids swallowing or inhaling tiny objects. That was the case for Andi Norton who goes by Ben Havoc (@bigoompalumpia) on Instagram. In a video from earlier this September, the individual from Arizona shared the "craziest" childhood story from when they were six years old. They accidentally got a Lego piece stuck in their nose and it stayed there forgotten for about 26 years.

Image Source: Instagram | @bigoompalumpia
Image Source: Instagram | @bigoompalumpia

It was a very tiny piece of Lego that resembled a dot and a six-year-old Norton had it deeply wedged in. The hilarious part was that they even tried sending in a Lego man whose head would fit onto the dot brick "like a hat." However, the "rescue mission" to retrieve that tiny dot brick in their nose went in vain and the Lego man's head got stuck in their nose too. That's when the real panic hit Norton and they had to call their mom for help. When their mom arrived, she instantly used tweezers to pull the Lego man's head out of their nostril. However, the dot brick wasn't retrieved back then. 

Image Source: Instagram | @bigoompalumpia
Image Source: Instagram | @bigoompalumpia

Being a panic-stricken child who was also terrified of their parents, Norton never revealed why they really sent in the Lego man. Years went by and they had no idea that they were living with a Lego dot inside their nose. Recently, for over six months, Norton has been taking their doctor's advice and blowing their nose in the shower as it was known to help clear the airways. On September 2, when Norton was doing their shower routine, they were baffled to find the yellowish-green Lego dot that fell out of their nose. They packed it in a bag so that they could consult a doctor regarding this. 

Image Source: Instagram | @bigoompalumpia
Image Source: Instagram | @bigoompalumpia

"Honestly, it felt like a plug came out and I had a great rush of relief. I am able to take a deep breath through my nose without feeling restricted, which is something I've never been able to do," Norton told Newsweek. Turns out, they have been suffering from allergies, sinus sensitivity and congestion their whole life. "Since I am allergic to cats, dogs, grass, many of the native trees, and dust, and I've always been exposed to one or more of these things, I lived my life assuming any congestion issues were just simply caused by the allergies," they added. 

Image source: Reddit | u/ThatItchOnYourNose
Image source: Reddit | u/ThatItchOnYourNose
Image Source: Reddit | u/Salad-Worth
Image Source: Reddit | u/Salad-Worth

When Norton, who goes by u/BigOompaLumpia on Reddit, shared this story on the platform, folks were absolutely in stitches. "They talking about microplastics in our bodies while this man has been living with macroplastic in him," quipped u/MosesOnAcid. "The thought that you went through your entire school life with a Lego in your nose. Walking graduation with a Lego booger and no one knowing," joked u/RocketInAPocket. "That’s an incredible story. Best of luck in the future, you definitely want to bring that one up to your doc like you said!" added u/Mickler83.

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You can follow Ben Havoc (@bigoompalumpia) on Instagram for cosplay content.

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