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Protesting climate activist gives composed interview as cops carry her: 'I'm doing it for my son'

She remained calm while being carried by a group of police officers on Waterloo bridge.

Protesting climate activist gives composed interview as cops carry her: 'I'm doing it for my son'
Image Source: Zoe Broughton/Twitter

Climate change is already affecting the lives of millions of people across the world. It is leading to death and illness from extreme weather conditions, heatwaves, storms, floods, famine and disruption of food systems, according to the World Health Organization. It becomes increasingly important for everyone to make conscious steps toward reversing the damage done to the environment before it's too late. Parents are concerned as to what conditions their children will live in if the current climate crisis pertains. One such parent was present at the Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion protest in London over the weekend, reports The Independent.




The mother was among the protesters carrying posters and banners demanding that the U.K. government act immediately to avert future climate catastrophe. However, like many others in the protest on Waterloo Bridge, she was handcuffed and detained by police officers. While most people would fear this scenario, she seized the opportunity to explain why she was protesting. 

In a video posted by Zoe Broughton on Twitter, she can be heard saying, "I’m doing this for my son – the government’s inaction on climate change is a death sentence for us all." She added, "The United Nations has said we should have no new oil. Liz Truss wants to [grant] 130 new oil licenses – that’s a death sentence for this planet." According to Just Stop Oil, one of the protest's primary organizers, the woman was released from detention on Monday morning and will not face charges.




The organization said that they were calling out the government to, "end the cost of living and climate crisis by stopping new oil and gas." According to them, tens of thousands of protestors were blocking Waterloo, Westminster, Lambeth and Vauxhall bridges to bring attention to their demands. Waterloo Bridge remained the focal point of the protests on Sunday, with hundreds of protestors gathered and at least 35 individuals arrested by police. 

Just Stop Oil announced in a statement on Monday that the protests in central London will continue. They said, "We declare Westminster a site of nonviolent civil resistance until the government commits to end new oil and gas. This is not a one-day event, this is an act of resistance against a criminal government and their genocidal death project."




"Our supporters will be returning – today – tomorrow – and the next day – and the next day after that – and every day until our demand is met – no new oil and gas in the UK." Just Stop Oil is a part of the Enough Is Enough campaign set up to protest against the rising cost of living in the U.K., according to the BBC. Thousands of people turned out for the protests during the weekend, which also coincided with postal and rail strikes. The government has stated that its energy guarantee will cost £60 billion in the first six months, but industry analysts believe the overall amount will be between £130 billion and £150 billion. Meg, a member of Doctors For Extinction Rebellion, said during the march in Westminister, "This is a climate emergency and people are already dying, more are going to die from the effects of climate change." Another man named George said, "No government can run if it's spending more, like vastly more, than it's bringing in." 

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