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Artist turns commuters into interesting cartoon characters with simple sketches

October Jones is an illustrator and animator who enjoys turning his fellow commuters into cartoon characters. 

Artist turns commuters into interesting cartoon characters with simple sketches
Cover Image Source: Instagram / October Jones

It is hard to describe taking transit as "fun." If you are someone who travels for work, daily commuting via public transport is even less enjoyable. Sometimes, the mere activity of reading a book or listening to music seems to be boring. An easy way to kill time on a bus, for example, is by browsing social media, messaging friends, or resuming watching a series on Netflix that you slept through the night before. Although, nothing wrong with any of those, why shouldn't transit riders get a kick out of the experience? You can always change your outlook on your office commute simply by using the travel time more productively. Take it from October Jones (real name Joe Butcher) – an illustrator and animator who turns fellow commuters into cartoon characters, reported Bored Panda.

Jones draws cartoon faces on sticky notes and then matches them up with the bodies of unsuspecting commuters on the train. The characters range from an angry Elmo to a tired-looking Winnie-the-Pooh and a friendly Hulk, who is busy scrolling through his phone. As always, we have handpicked some of the best caricatures made by Jones that will keep you entertained the next time you are on a train. Who knows, maybe you even can try drawing a few characters as he does.

1. Bugs bunny



2. Spidey?



3. Hellboy



4. What are you looking at?


5. Homer Simpson


6. Traveling to Gowtham


7. Lizard on an iPad


8. Monday mornings be like


9. Can I help you?


10. Do you want to read it?


11. Texting Iron Man 


12. Have you seen Jerry?


13. A new type of minion


14. Thumbs up, dude


15. Angry Elmo


16.  Can you see me?


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