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Icecream man gets a dose of karma for scamming little girl after mom turns up her neighborhood charm

The mom wanted to do something to stand up for her daughter while also teaching the icecream vendor a lesson.

Icecream man gets a dose of karma for scamming little girl after mom turns up her neighborhood charm
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Ron Lach

Parents want to inculcate a lot of qualities like humility, kindness and forgiveness within their children. However, sometimes children should also know how to stand up for themselves. The world is not a fair place to live in, and they will encounter people who will try to fool them. They need to know how to stand up for themselves in order to survive. A mother, u/SlyLadyFox decided to get even with an ice cream vendor after finding out that they had duped her daughter. The mother shared how she did not hold back at all and stood up for her daughter in the most clever way possible.

Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Valeria Boltneva
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Valeria Boltneva

The woman's daughter is a huge fan of ice cream and therefore is a regular visitor to the nearby ice cream shop. She always gets a smile after coming back from the shop, but one day she had a tinge of sadness all over her face. After her mother enquired about the reason, she said, "I asked the ice cream man for my change. He gave me this lollipop and drove off before I could say anything."

Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Karolina Grabowska
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Grabowska

The kid was feeling sad as she was clearly duped. She did not like having a lollipop at all, and also the one given to her was not at all worth the changes she was owed. The mother did not want to set a wrong example by suppressing the whole issue. She wanted to teach her daughter how to stand up and deal with such situations. Therefore, she concocted a plan that would teach the ice cream vendor a lesson. She knew that screaming at him would be of no use, as he would not be affected by it, the only way to truly make him realize his mistake was by causing losses to him.

Image Source:Reddit/u/Disastrous_Drive_764
Image Source: Reddit | u/Disastrous_Drive_764

The mother went to Costco and purchased some boxes of ice cream bars. She then instructed her daughter to distribute the ice cream for free to all kids in the neighborhood. As a result, nobody went to the ice cream shop to buy anything that day. His business clearly took a hit. It wasn't only revenge that the mother got out of the plan though, her kid also got to make some new friends. After a few weeks, the mother decided she had done enough and taught the vendor a good lesson, therefore she stopped her endeavor of distributing ice cream. Funnily enough, other parents followed her and began distributing free ice cream. Well, it seems the ice cream vendor's karma was surely out to get him.

Image Source: Reddit/u/vergilbg
Image Source: Reddit | u/vergilbg

The comment section completely supported the mother's actions. u/MysteriousFeetInc found the icecream vendor's actions deplorable and wrote, "A lollipop for change? Yeah no, I would be hot! How do lollipops and ice cream go together?" u/Doyoulikeithere believed that the mother did right by teaching the vendor a lesson, "Love it. The Ice Cream Man is a rip-off. I hope he learned a lesson!"

Image Source: Reddit | u/Chee-shep
Image Source: Reddit | u/Chee-shep

u/HaroldWeigh shared his own horrible ice cream vendor story, "I lived in a neighborhood with a really horrible ice cream guy. He was a jerk and would park his truck with "It's a Small World" playing on a loop. My landlady was a retired MP and asked him to turn it off one afternoon and he said no. They got into an argument he got out of his truck (big mistake) started at her and bam. She clocked him and he was down. No more 'It's a Small World' in our neighborhood."

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