After his video went viral, four-year-old Ayaan and his mom transformed the toddler's daily affirmations into a children's book.
In a viral video, Ayaan, now aged four, recites his daily affirmations back to his mom Alissa Brielle: "I am smart, I am blessed, I can do anything." His mom responds, "Good job!" Mom Brielle and dad Alpha had begun teaching the little boy these affirmations when he was just two years old. The parents wanted him to always remember he was capable of absolutely anything he set his mind to. The video, posted back in 2019, quickly gained immense traction and has since inspired the family to create a children's book based on Ayaan's affirmations. Mommy-son duo Ayaan and Brielle hope the book will help other toddlers with self-motivation, Fox 29 reports.
"I'm really excited," his mother said in an interview with the news outlet. "I am just so happy that the video went viral and it could develop into a children's book. I have always wanted to write children's books. To have this out in the world for children, parents, and caregivers to be influenced by it, it is just amazing. It is really surreal." Inspired by Ayaan's daily affirmations, the book has been aptly titled I am Smart, I am Blessed, I Can Do Anything. During the interview, both mom and son were wearing t-shirts that showed off the three affirmations.
When asked about what Brielle hoped others would learn from this book, she said that she wished for children to see themselves reflected in all of the emotions and experiences that Ayaan is going through. The mother stated, "I would love for them to feel they can actually use this affirmation to help them through any challenges and difficult situations. As far as parents, educators, and caregivers [are considered], I am hoping that when they read this book, they will not only use the affirmations inside of it, but also they will use this as a tool to create their own affirmations for their daily lives."
Furthermore, as a teacher herself, Brielle confirmed that the daily affirmations can and do make a difference in children's lives. "Absolutely," she agreed. "Children are sponges and if we can give them those building blocks to help them through challenging situations and motivate themselves, I definitely see a difference. When we tell kids, 'You can do this. It is okay. Try again,' they start repeating those things in their heads and using them on their own so I definitely see a difference."
Ayaan, too, is excited about the new book. He said it "feels great" to have a drawing of himself on the cover of the book. The children's book features him as the main character, and the first page begins with Ayaan waking up to go to school but feeling a bit worried. I am Smart, I am Blessed, I Can Do Anything has been published and is now available wherever books are sold. The journey of this book began with a simple video of little Ayaan, then aged three, walking to school and reciting his daily affirmations while wearing his backpack and carrying a banana: "I am smart, I am blessed, I can do anything."