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Husky speaking in an Italian accent just like their owner has the internet in splits

Husky steals every dog lover's heart with his adorable habit of replicating his owner's Italian accent.

Husky speaking in an Italian accent just like their owner has the internet in splits
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@aaronthehusky_

If two people really want to know each other, then the best way to do it is to cohabitate. Cohabitation makes it hard for people to hide their habits, beliefs and quirks. In many cases, people end up imitating each other's habits. Apparently, this process is not unique to only humans and also takes place with animals. Oftentimes animals also take up some behavioral patterns from their humans. In this video by @aaronthehusky_ a pet dog is seen emulating his human's Italian accent to the T. Every time the human is interacting with him, the answer is coming with the same tone and texture. Viewers were taken aback after witnessing this talent.

Image Source: TikTok/@aaronthehusky_
Image Source: TikTok/@aaronthehusky_

The video started with Antonia playfully interacting with her husky, Aaron. The woman and dog's style of speaking are strikingly similar. It was evident that the woman found the dog's antics extremely funny, as she was not able to control her laughter throughout the video. This seemed like a tradition between them as the dog continued to repeat after her throughout the video. Throughout the video, Antonia encouraged him by saying, "Eh brava! Ma che vuoi diglielo" (which translates to, "Oh well done! But what do you want, tell me") as he barked to his heart's desire. The bond between them was so strong that despite not knowing each other's language, they seemed to understand everything. The adorable video has been viewed over 6 million times on the platform.

Image Source: TikTok/@aaronthehusky_
Image Source: TikTok/@aaronthehusky_

Seeing the popularity of the video Antonia put up another follow-up where Aaron seems to be repeating a particular phrase. The follow-up was made at the request of a viewer who asked Aaron to repeat "Brum brum." To everyone's surprise, he was almost nailing this repetition. The adorable "baboubabou" stole all the dog lovers' hearts out there. This was evident with the video collecting close to 2.4 million views.

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A post shared by Aaron Husky (@aaron_husky_)


Not only Aaron but many dogs end up imitating their humans in various ways. The Royal Study Publishing came out with a study that proved how dogs mimic their human's behavior because of their emotional attachment to them. The study noted, "Distribution of rapid mimicry was strongly affected by the familiarity linking the subjects involved: the stronger the social bonding, the higher the level of rapid mimicry." Per the study, the more the dogs love their humans, the more likely they will be to emulate their behavior. Therefore imitation increases, the longer the dog stays with their humans. As per Science, not only dogs but cats can also imitate human behavior in close proximity to them.

Image Source: TikTok/@@gareity
Image Source: TikTok/@gareity


Image Source: TikTok/@alexmania2602
Image Source: TikTok/@alexmania2602

The comments section was completely in love with Aaron's antics. @kinkyy_xo pointed out the obvious and wrote, "The husky even sounds Italian as well." @docentw invented a new term seeing this behavior and commented, "I’m convinced that is Husktalian." @thisplaceisazoo loved the attitude the dog brought in the video, "Sassy in any language." @iangelbaby88 believed that the dog was worthy of every reward and wrote, "I don't know what he wants, but give him 10, lol" @birdtails could not get enough of the cuteness and commented, "Bruh they have an accent."

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