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Husband switches accent to prank call Rachel Cruze on her podcast — and she's 99% sure it's him

Introducing himself as a first-time caller, he humorously detailed a 'pickle' involving his wife’s birthday gift.

Husband switches accent to prank call Rachel Cruze on her podcast — and she's 99% sure it's him
(L) Woman laughing (M) Woman laughing and asking a question (R) Woman asking a question. (Cover Image Source: YouTube | Rachel Cruze)

Prank calls on live shows can be a hit or miss, but this might be one for the books. Rachel Cruze’s show had one of those moments when a caller named Randall turned what seemed like a simple query into a hilarious chain of events. Cruze posted the video on her YouTube channel and captioned it, "When Your Husband Prank Calls Your Show."

The call started with Randall calling on the show. “Rachel and Ken, thank you so much for having me. I, I tell you, I’m a long-time listener, but this is my first time calling, and I’m just honored to be amongst you." Then came his story.

(L) Woman laughing (R) Woman asking a question. (Image Source: YouTube | 
Rachel Cruze)
(L) Woman laughing (R) Woman asking a question. (Image Source: YouTube | Rachel Cruze)

“I had a question. I need some more paycheck in my pocket, like you said. I think I got myself in a little bit of a pickle,” Randall began, explaining that his wife’s birthday was that day. Cruze's co-host Ken asked, “What is your wife’s name?” Without missing a beat, he answered, “Her name’s Vivian," to which both Cruze and Ken replied, "Happy birthday, Vivian!" After a few light-hearted talks, Randall shared why he was in a “pickle.” “So, I’m in a little bit of a pinch here. I didn’t quite budget the right way for my wife’s gift. She likes nice things and we’ve been working on the program, but then all of a sudden, she wanted this nice gift. And so, I pulled out kind of this emergency credit card, and I’m a little bit afraid that it’s going to ruin the experience for her.” 

(L) Woman talking to a caller (R) Woman smiling. (Image Source: YouTube | 
Rachel Cruze)
(L) Woman talking to a caller (R) Woman smiling. (Image Source: YouTube | Rachel Cruze)

Ken asked, “What’s the gift?” Randall sheepishly admitted, “It’s this purse that she wanted. Now, Rachel's problem is that my paycheck’s too small. She starts putting all of her outfits on Instagram, and my wife just goes on there and tries to start clicking on all of them. And, and so, our budget’s upside down.” During the conversation, Cruze repeatedly asked, "Is this a joke? Randall, are you for real?" The laughter started bubbling up again as Ken asked Cruze, “[Do] You think this is a prank call?”

Image Source: YouTube | @aneilaseyiekeretsu
Image Source: YouTube | @aneilaseyiekeretsu
Image Source: YouTube | @ashchandler07
Image Source: YouTube | @ashchandler07

He further said, "I think Randall's for real." But Cruze didn't believe it. Now suspicious, she pointed out, “I’m like, there are just too many coincidences. I got a purse for my birthday when I was in L.A.!” Randall added, "I got this purse for her birthday. I had to go all the way to Los Angeles." Rachel, still laughing, responded, "Okay. All right. There it is. This is really good." Her husband replied, "Happy birthday, Rachel," while laughing. People watching the video couldn't help but comment on the sweet and funny moment. @maxrice6990 wrote, "I love Ken’s face when he buys it and is scared Rachel is being rude to the caller."


@jackhammer363 pointed out how funny it was, saying, "Getting an ‘emergency credit card’ to buy a purse in the voice of Dave Ramsey is hilarious!” @Bampiss joked, "My wife would be asking…' so…who’s Vivian, honey?'" @Coetzeefamilystead commented, "My husband does pranks like this on me all the time... too sweet... husbands like this—please never stop." @paulk8444 commended the husband saying, "He played it off so well despite her guessing it was him, as it was so sweet as he also called her out at the same time. Now he has to address who Vivian is."

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