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Husband steps up to help wife through postpartum setting an example of an ideal relationship

The husband looks after his wife's mental and physical well-being during the vulnerable period of postpartum.

Husband steps up to help wife through postpartum setting an example of an ideal relationship
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @datdiazcouple

As per a study published in the National Library of Medicine, around one in seven women can be afflicted by postpartum depression (PPD). Unfortunately, in 50% of the individuals, according to the MGH Center for Women's Mental Health, it goes undiagnosed as women become so overwhelmed with various responsibilities that they are unable to take notice of themselves. The usual societal regulations are set up in a way that women are overburdened with work while their partner gets a clean chit, which further hampers their mental health. Therefore, Edgar Diaz—who goes on TikTok by @datdiazcouple—stepped up for his wife during her postpartum and people from all corners applauded him for his contribution.

Image Source: TikTok/@datdiazcouple
Image Source: TikTok | @datdiazcouple

Diaz made his intention clear with the caption in which he wrote, "Day 3 of her Post Partum recovery. We have the baby's 1st doctor's visit today. Taking care of everything so she can focus on herself and baby." Throughout the video, he is seen undertaking all the tasks at home so that his wife, Sismai Iris Avelar—who goes by @sismai_avelar on TikTok—can focus on her recovery. Not only is he taking away the physical exertion in her routine, but he is also ensuring that she is in a good mental space by going the extra mile for her. The first thing he records himself doing is bringing the newborn to Avelar in the morning. For many new mothers, their day starts with their baby's cries and them having to drag themselves to their room, making them uncomfortable. On the contrary, Diaz prioritized Avelar's ease and comfort in this case.

Image Source: TikTok/@datdiazcouple
Image Source: TikTok | @datdiazcouple

The husband then goes on to help his wife with clothes. It is also a vulnerable moment for many new mothers, who have to deal with their changing bodies face-to-face during dressing up. Having a loving presence in those moments goes a long way. Diaz makes himself an even stronger candidate for the "Husband of the Year" award by making the bed. There are some men out there, who cannot tell the inside-out of sheets, but here he is, putting all of them to shame with his impeccable skills.

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Diaz also captures snippets of moments where he gives his wife the space she needs to get herself ready. During this time, Diaz prepares the diaper bag and takes out clothes for both mother and baby to save up on time. He also whips up a Mother's Milk tea to make Avelar's feeding journey smoother. He upped the ante by preparing a delicious breakfast and taking care of her nutritional needs. In the end, the family looked like an adorable party of three making their way to the doctor's appointment.

Image Source: TikTok/@yuritziruvalcaba92
Image Source: TikTok | @yuritziruvalcaba92
Image Source: TikTok/@sabz_khan03
Image Source: TikTok | @sabz_khan03

The comment section adored the efforts put forward by the husband. @kellymedinaenos commented how this wonderful gesture will change the couple's lives for the better, "The impact this will have on her postpartum will be unmatched. They really don't know how important this is." @chaziibanoosh was inspired by the video and wrote, "I hope to raise my sons with this level of respect for their partners." While appreciating husband's mother, @sabz_khan03 said, "He definitely was raised by a queen."

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A post shared by Sismai Iris Avelar (@sismai_avelar)


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