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Husband makes the coolest costume for his bedbound wife who 'loves to dress up for Halloween'

Halloween is that time of the year when the more spookier you are, the better you are considered. One husband set a new bar while making his wife's costume.

Husband makes the coolest costume for his bedbound wife who 'loves to dress up for Halloween'
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/kitz2103

Halloween is that time of the year when the more spookier you are, the better you are considered. This celebration took place a couple of days ago and many people went all out to channel their inner witches and ghosts. One husband, however, decided to go that extra mile while preparing his wife's costume. We are talking about u/kitz2103 on Reddit, who made his wife the coolest outfit ever and posted about it in the r/halloween thread.

Image Source: Reddit | u/kitz2103
Image Source: Reddit | u/kitz2103

The individual titled the post, "My wife is bedbound, so I made her this Halloween costume." The individual's wife has been bedridden since January when she caught Covid. While she has undoubtedly got better over the months, she still has to keep resting to recover. Halloween is one of her favorite times of the year and she loves to dress up. That is why the husband took it upon himself to make her a wonderful costume for Halloween. And boy, did he not disappoint!

Image Source: Reddit | u/kitz2103
Image Source: Reddit | u/kitz2103

Since the wife couldn't exactly get out of bed, the costume needed to be something that she didn't need to get up for. The wife, however, did have an excellent costume idea, as her husband shared in the comment section. It would just require putting in some effort. He dressed up the wife as a popular "Wizard of Oz" character - the wicked Witch of the East Side. Not only that but also he chose the scene where the tornado hit the wife and the house landed on top of her! Hilarious, right? He also ensured that he got the stripped stockings and red bejeweled footwear for the wife. But the hero of this costume was the prop house. Painted with love and finesse, this house was broken at the perfect spot. Even the windows painted looked like shattered glass.

Image Source: Reddit | u/kitz2103
Image Source: Reddit | u/kitz2103

The man definitely won the 'Husband of the Year' award. In u/Raerae1360 words, "Okay, as I sniff, you win spouse of the year." Another user, u/BlackLakeBlueFish, shared a very emotional and personal story and said, "I was in a body cast when I was 8. My Mom wrapped me up the rest of the way, so I was a mummy. They filled a wheelbarrow with pillows, and my Dad pushed me around to trick-or-treat. I hadn’t been outside for 7 weeks. My very shy, 4-year-old sister knocked on the doors and politely said, can my sister have some, too? The haul we got that year was absolutely insane. I also have long COVID, and I had to leave my 25-year teaching career because of it. Please give your wife a hug from me, and tell her she is not alone. Our sense of humor and having amazing loved ones around us will get us through."

Image Source: Reddit | u/Damn_el_Torpedoes
Image Source: Reddit | u/Damn_el_Torpedoes

u/Damn_el_Torpedoes added, "That is a great costume, and she looks tickled for being able to participate in the holiday. Good luck to you and your wife." u/dittidot appreciated the idea of the wife and husband's effort and said, "Kudos to your wife for such an inspired idea! You did a great job seeing her vision through."

Image Source: Reddit | u/FeathersOfJade
Image Source: Reddit | u/FeathersOfJade

u/Friendly-Chapter9583 shared, "As someone with a chronic illness, this brings me intense joy to see you make an effort to include her in the festivities. Her face says it all. Bravo, friend. Bravo."

Image Source: Reddit | u/usingreddithurtsme
Image Source: Reddit | u/usingreddithurtsme

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