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A woman is dying of cancer so her husband is preserving her memories on video

Since October, Taylor shared that Haley's health has been declining. She has lost more than 60 pounds.

A woman is dying of cancer so her husband is preserving her memories on video
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @taylorodlozil

Editor's note: This article was originally published on March 7, 2023. It has since been updated.

Last seven years have not been easy for this couple, Taylor Odlozil and Haley Odlozil. Haley was diagnosed with ovarian cancer one week before Christmas in December 2015. However, Taylor has been sharing his family's story on TikTok and he can not believe the overwhelming support they are receiving from around the world, according to TODAY

TikTok | @taylorodlozil
TikTok| @taylorodlozil

They were two months away from their wedding when they found out that she could never have children and she was dying. "It still makes me shake when I think about it," said Taylor. Haley even sat Taylor down one week after the diagnosis that he could leave if he wanted to. He thought, "she was crazy." The couple has been together since 2006. Haley went through chemotherapy for nine weeks to shrink her tumors then the couple got married. But a week after their wedding, they got terrible news.

"The doctor basically told us that the chemo did absolutely nothing and that the tumors didn't shrink at all. They actually grew," said Taylor. The doctor even told him that she just had six more months to live. Soon, the couple received a referral from Haley's doctor - a surgeon in New York agreed to look at Haley's case. "We got an appointment and he agreed to operate," Taylor said. "The doctor did a nine-hour surgery and ... performed a miracle. He was able to remove 100% of visible cancer."

TikTok | @taylorodlozil
TikTok | @taylorodlozil

Unfortunately, her cancer returned just after surgery and she has been fighting the disease for the past seven years. "She's been on chemo many times," Taylor said, he added that two years ago, Haley was given a colostomy bag. "It has been a fight." During the time when Haley's prognosis was promising, the duo, who always wanted to be parents, welcomed their son, Weston, with the help of a surrogate. "He is the most loving, caring little boy," Taylor said. "He is going to be what saves me for these coming months that are going to be pretty hard."

In October 2022, after a bowel obstruction, Haley's doctors told her that she had no more options. "She was past the point of surgery," Taylor said. "Even the surgeon in New York said 'I'm not going to operate on her again'." It was only on Thanksgiving Day in 2022 that Taylor shared his family's story on TikTok. He had around 200 followers back then. "This will be my wife’s last Christmas. Unfortunately, we have run out of treatment options for her cancer," he captioned the video. It soon went viral with more than 19 million views.

The video has clips and pictures of beautiful moments between Haley and Weston. Many on social media were emotional and hoped for a miracle. @megan.elizabeth.x3 commented, "I’m really glad he had her. That love is ingrained in his DNA now and it will never leave no matter the future!" @mama_josie commented, "I've never had actual tears run down my face from a TikTok and my breath was taken away. As a mom of a 3 yr old boy, I am devastated for her." @treeofhopecreations commented, "My heart truly aches for you. The impending grief is heavy. Take a million pictures and videos to get a family hand statue done. All thing things."

TikTok | @taylorodlozil
TikTok| @taylorodlozil


Since October, Taylor shared that Haley's health has been declining. She has lost more than 60 pounds. “She’s barely eating (and) she throws up (about) 20 times a day now. It’s just terrible,” he added. Taylor wants his TikTok to serve as a scrapbook for Weston after Haley dies. "My wife's greatest fear that she talks about to me all the time is being forgotten," Taylor said. "She knows that life goes on (and) doesn't stop when you die. Everybody has to get up and go to work and continue on and she's just so terrified of us to forget about everything we've been through and forgetting about her ... and I'm not going to let that happen."

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