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Hotel worker praises guest for leaving tip at a secret place to ensure that she gets it

The guests cleaned up after themselves and left a tip at a thoughtful location to appreciate the cleaner's work.

Hotel worker praises guest for leaving tip at a secret place to ensure that she gets it
Cover Image Source: TikTok |

A hotel's cleaning staff is an essential part of what makes people's stay at a hotel comfortable and enjoyable. Hence, it is a given that quite a few people choose to leave tips for the housekeepers. However, a housekeeper shared an unusual location hotel guests left a tip to ensure that the right person received it and the woman really appreciated their gesture. The woman, Denice—who goes by on TikTok—took to the platform to share the details of the incident.

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok |

“If you came to Las Vegas this weekend and you stayed in room 1380 and you left this for me underneath the trashcan, I really appreciate you,” Denice expressed showing a couple of bills that had been left under the trash can as a tip. "Cleaning up after people in a Las Vegas hotel is not the easiest job in the world. And a lot of times it can be really disgusting. Oftentimes people will trash the rooms. Tipping is not required, but it’s nice when you find a tip in your room," the woman pointed out. She shared how most people leave their tips on the desk or nightstand. The concern with these spots is that anyone can see the money kept there and take it. Therefore, the cleaner, for whom the tip is meant might not get it.

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok |

For this reason, Denice really appreciated the couple in room 1380 for leaving their tip under the trash can. “It means a lot to me that not only did you pick up all your trash, put it in bags close to the door, which is my job. But you also left me a tip underneath the trash can where no one would be able to see it unless it is the housekeeper who is actually cleaning the room. So thank you and God bless you," the woman whole-heartedly admitted through the video. She even expressed her gratitude and applauded the couple's thoughtfulness through the caption of the video.

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok |

The video received over 255.5k views and more than 25.4k likes. People took to the comments section to express how they never thought that anyone other than the housekeeper would take the tip kept on the table. While others already knew why one should hide the tip in a place where only the person cleaning the rook would find it. @alwaysbrowneyes wrote, "Is under the trash can the best location to leave a tip? I’ve left it on the nightstand or desk but now I’m not sure if that was the best place to ensure the housekeeper received it." @_cayyi commented, "Yes! My mom is a housekeeper and she taught me to hide the tip too so the actual person who cleans the room will get it! Also, thank you for all that you do!"

Image Source: TikTok | @pattikhakes
Image Source: TikTok | @pattikhakes
Image Source: TikTok | @tiffanyedmonds00
Image Source: TikTok | @tiffanyedmonds00

@basiclifestylebyregina remarked, "Thank you for bringing awareness to where we can be more mindful placing tips. May you continue having blessings in abundance." @autiegeminijess shared, "I always tip my housekeepers handsomely, put all the towels together, clean up all the trash. Appreciate you all so much!" @kelis.braun.kay.k expressed, "The fact they took the time to place it under the trash, shows that it was a genuine act, they put thought into it." 

You can follow Denice ( on TikTok for more lifestyle content. 

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