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Hospital staff sing special song for boy who is declared cancer-free after 42 rounds of chemo

Henry underwent 42 rounds of chemo and 23 blood transfusions while fighting leukemia for more than two years.

Hospital staff sing special song for boy who is declared cancer-free after 42 rounds of chemo
Image source: YouTube/Little Wishes org

Seeing a kid jump with joy after being told he's done with his chemotherapy and he's cancer-free is a special sight. A group of hospital staff got to witness it in style. Henry had been diagnosed with leukemia two years ago. The hospital staff didn't just tell the boy but actually sang it to him. The adorable video of the kid jumping up and about in joy has gone viral on the internet. The staff sang "No more chemo for you, no more chemo for you," to the tune of "Happy Birthday" to the boy as his emotional mother watched on. Henry was seen sitting beneath the "cancer-free" celebratory bell holding a yellow decoration as the hospital staff sang the song to him. The staff themselves had the yellow decoration item and waved it as they sang to him, as seen in a video posted by Good Morning America.


Henry was wearing a shirt reading "cancer-free" to mark the special day. Many members of staff recorded the special moment on their phones. His mother got emotional and could be seen wiping away happy tears. The song ends with "No chemo for Henry" and everyone breaks into applause. Henry had undergone 42 rounds of chemo and 23 blood transfusions while fighting leukemia for 865 days. The video was captioned, "Hospital staff sings special song for little boy after he's declared cancer-free." One of the staff members then asked him to stand up and take his place in the center of the group as they showered him with glitter from the yellow decoration item. Henry revels in the celebrations and can be seen jumping about in joy, his infectious laughter filling the room. 



Another staff member urges him to "come ring the bell" and Henry lets out a joyous shriek before rushing towards the bell. Another staff appears to ask the boy to wait before ringing the bell, possibly to take a photo but little Henry is already mid-jump into ringing the bell and rings it, eliciting laughter from those present. The bell is set against a white wall on which are written the names of many who appear to have beaten cancer. Henry's will be the latest addition to the wall and we're excited for Henry to live his life with the same infectious energy and laughter from the video. People couldn't get enough of the video. "Wishing you a lifetime of great health and happiness. You're an awesome little man!" wrote one person. "Thank you Lord for your mercy!! Congratulations Lil Guy," wrote another. "As a family who's had a cancer survivor, I'm thrilled for them. Something to remember. However, far more children in the USA die from gunshots now than from cancer. A totally preventable death," noted another person.


According to National Cancer Institute, cancer is the leading cause of death by disease past infancy among children in the United States. In 2021, it is estimated that 15,590 children and adolescents aged 0 to 19 will be diagnosed with cancer, and 1,780 will die of the disease in the United States. Among children aged 0 to 14 years, it is estimated that in 2021, 10,500 will be diagnosed with cancer, and 1,190 will die of the disease. Among adolescents between the ages of 15 and 19 years, about 5,090 will be diagnosed with cancer and about 590 will die of the disease.

Young boy with cancer outdoors - stock photo/Getty Images

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