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Homophobic customer insults queer server, restaurant owner shuts her down

The owner of Dakota's Steakhouse in Hartford, Texas, quickly clapped back at a customer for her rude comments about a waiter.

Homophobic customer insults queer server, restaurant owner shuts her down
Image Source: (Top) Dakota’s Steakhouse of Hereford (Bottom) curtmandu / Reddit

Content Warning: Homophobia, ableist language

Taking to the Reddit forum 'Ins*ne People Facebook,' a subreddit dedicated to sharing the wild and unbelievable things Facebook users share online, user Curtmandu posted a screenshot from their local steakhouse's page. Reportedly, one customer had a terrible experience at the restaurant because her male waiter had nail polish on. The customer claimed she would not return to Dakota's Steakhouse if the waiters continued to wear nail polish. However, the owner of the restaurant put their foot down and asserted that they supported their staff regardless of their background. The Reddit post has gone viral since it was first posted, receiving more than 25,000 upvotes, Bored Panda reports.


The woman, who has been called a Karen, posted on Dakota's Steakhouse's Facebook page, "I will not be back if boys look like women with nails painted and are serving people. Seriously." In response, one Facebook user welcomed Karen to America. "Ugh, nails longer than mine," the customer continued in the comments section. "Eyebrows painted on and makeup. What the f*ck, Scott came unglued. So gross. Oh, and a sparkly choker necklace." Instead of ignoring the queerphobic message on the page, the restaurant's owner decided to clap back.


"At Dakota's Steakhouse, we support our staff 100 percent. No matter their religion, race, criminal history or sexuality; I don't judge," the owner commented in response. "I choose to provide an opportunity of employment for everyone. If this offends you, then please stay at home. After all, if you could cook, then maybe Scott wouldn't be looking at his server all night." The response resonated with dozens of users, who deeply appreciated the owner's swift and fiery clap-back. One Reddit user commented, "There are some customers whose promise not to return must give a smile to the owners."

In addition to this, the online exchange has inspired other users to share their own experiences of owners sticking up for them or their coworkers. "As somebody who works in service: almost universally if a customer threatens to never come back, they're the type of person who you don't want back anyway," another Reddit user wrote. "Regardless they almost always end up coming back though, at least in my experience." Another added, "Never an owner, but as a shift manager for a large retail chain, whenever a Karen would screech 'I'm never coming back here!' I'd have to fight really hard not to smile and thank her for making my day."

Others, still, noted that more owners should recognize the importance of treating their workers right. One person posted, "[I] wish all companies would treat sh*tty people this way. This is a new America and the customer is not always right. I’m self-employed and I really believe this and practice it." Finally, several Reddit users asked the one question we are all probably thinking: "I totally want to know where this steakhouse is so I can go eat a great meal served by equally great people."

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