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Homeless man gives street dogs a birthday party with cake and hats: 'Love and kindness knows no bounds'

The video is garnering a lot of love on social media, with many people pointing out how love knows no bounds.

Homeless man gives street dogs a birthday party with cake and hats: 'Love and kindness knows no bounds'
Cover Image Source: Twitter/@Blanco66644360

Kindness is a rare commodity these days, but it is the most beautiful thing in the world. A viral video on social media is maybe the best example of this. In the video, a homeless man is seen joyfully celebrating the birthday of two street dogs and it could quite possibly move you to tears.

The now-viral video, posted on Twitter by a user named Blanco, shows a homeless man sitting on a stairwell with two dogs. His furry pals are seen wearing adorable party hats. The man then pulls out a cake and places two candles on them. He lit the candles and sang the pups happy birthday, before kissing both the dogs and cutting a slice of cake for each of them. "There are still some humans who fill us with pride," reads the text on the tweet.


The video is garnering a lot of love on social media, with many people pointing out how love knows no bounds. "You don't need to have lots of money to make things special... you just need to have a heart. And this man has a heart of gold. Even with his limited resources he is making things special for his furry friends. Love and kindness knows no boundaries," wrote one Twitter user. 

The video sparked a conversation online with some users discussing whether unhoused animals should be taken away from homeless persons who care for them. A user commented, "There are people out there that go out of their way to steal animals away from homeless people, claiming to 'want to help the animal'. Animals and more importantly pets are just as important if not more so to homeless people. They are a thing of unconditional love & companionship." Another user agreed, saying, "I can't help but wonder if homeless pets are happier than their 'domesticated' counterparts. As long as needs for food/water are met, they just hang out with their pack all day, exercising or resting. Much closer to their evolutionary roots than in an apartment building."


Another Twitter user commented that the relationship between the dogs and the man is extremely beautiful. "you can really feel how important those dogs are to him. its like he is happy that these guys is with him even in bad times," the user noted. "I am thanking God for his blessings for this man, the reason I’m crying right now is because I do the same thing to my two, every night I give them a kiss and thank them for their company on my I think 1,055 day journey after losing my home. this is one of my favorite," reads another comment.

Another homeless man made headlines in 2020 for his heartwarming relationship with animals. The W-Underdogs shelter in Atlanta, Georgia, caught fire on December 18. Keith Walker, a homeless man of 53 years old, ran into the flames to save the helpless animals trapped within. Despite the danger he faced, he rose to the situation and saved every single cat and dog inside the shelter. Walker was described as her "guardian angel" by Gracie Hamlin, the owner of W-Underdogs, who added that she is eternally grateful to the man for his heroic deed. Though the fire did not fully damage the animal sanctuary, it has rendered it uninhabitable. Fortunately, the shelter was only a week away from relocating.

"I was nervous as hell, I'm not going to lie," Walker, who has his own pet pitbull, shared in an interview. "I was really scared to go in there with all that smoke. But God put me there to save those animals. If you love a dog, you can love anyone in the world. My dog is my best friend, and I wouldn't be here without him, so I knew I had to save all those other dogs." 



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