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Homeless man brilliantly shuts down anti-vaxxer who asked why homeless aren't dying of Coronavirus

The person who filmed the video found the homeless man, Ray, and started a GoFundMe campaign to help him.

Homeless man brilliantly shuts down anti-vaxxer who asked why homeless aren't dying of Coronavirus
Image source: Twitter/FilmThePoliceLA

An anti-vaxxer woman got schooled by a homeless man after she tried to use him for her anti-vax propaganda. The woman was leading a protest and using a bull horn to spread her propaganda on the streets of Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles when she tried to use a passing homeless man as an example of the Coronavirus not being a deadly disease, reported Comicsands. The homeless man's quick wit swatted away her anti-vax propaganda and had Twitter cheering for him. The woman was yelling conspiracy theories on the road when she saw Ray, a homeless man, in the vicinity. She asked the public if the virus was as dangerous as scientists and people touted, how come Ray wasn't dead as a result. While she tried to walk away, Ray hollered back that he was vaccinated, poking a hole in her anti-vax conspiracy theory and proving that vaccination works.



There appeared to be only a handful of people for the anti-vax rally and the woman led the rally shouting into the bullhorn. As she walked past Ray, without directly talking to him, she shouted, "Do you see all of these homeless people around. Are they dead in the street from Covid? Hell no! Why?" she asked. Ray immediately shouted back. "Because I'm vaccinated, dumb fu*k!" The woman got schooled but walked away like she didn't hear it and continued hollering into the bullhorn. The incident was filmed and it eventually went viral on Twitter.



The person who filmed the encounter caught up with Ray a few hours later. He spoke to Ray for a bit and thanked him for the clap back at the anti-vaxxer. "Ray gave the whole country, honestly internationally, people, not just a good laugh but honestly sends a strong message," he wrote, before adding that he had also started a GoFundMe campaign to get Ray an ID, a cell phone, and some money. "Ray is the man who owned the anti-vaxxers on Hollywood blvd with one comment and in result brought so many smiles and laughs to all of us and now we hope we can bring a smile and some happiness to him," reads the description of the campaign which has already raised more than $31,000. The person who filmed the video added that he was giving the video rights to Ray. "He’s intelligent AF. He’s humble. He’s courteous. And, as we saw, he can bring the smoke if needed," said the man in a follow-up tweet. He also added that Ray was seen reading a book — Julius Caesar and the Romans. He is now hoping to find Ray housing. 


Unvaccinated people are causing a spike in Coronavirus cases, and in many cases, bringing it home to their families including children. “Household infections are the beginning of this pandemic, that is a major driving force in the spread of infections. We see it often within households, parents to children,” said Dr. Jim Versalovic, the chief pathologist and interim chief pediatrician at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, reported NBC News. “We have certainly seen siblings — more than two at times — with an infection at the same time, so spread within households is certainly a very real phenomenon.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 81 children in the US have died of Covid between March and July.



Not to mention that over 97% of cases of those hospitalized from Coronavirus are unvaccinated people, reported NPR. "If you're fully vaccinated, you are protected against severe COVID hospitalization and death and are even protected against the known variants, including the delta variant," said CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.

Disclaimer: Information about the pandemic is swiftly changing, and Upworthy is committed to providing the most recent and verified updates in our articles and reportage. However, considering the frequency in developments, some of the information/data in this article may have changed since the time of publication. Therefore, we encourage you to also regularly check online resources from local public health departments, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization.

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