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Homeless man asks restaurant if they have food to spare and they offered him a free meal of his choice

In a beautiful display of compassion, a restaurant went beyond its call of duty and offered a free meal to a homeless man.

Homeless man asks restaurant if they have food to spare and they offered him a free meal of his choice
Cover Image Source: Facebook | ronda.petray

It takes courage to be kind

Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project

Kindness can be considered one of the best qualities a human being can have. Moreover, it becomes important to recognize that other individuals may not be as privileged and could use some kind of help. So, giving to the poor becomes a truly great act of kindness and generosity that reflects the best of humanity. By helping people in need, we offer not only material support but also hope that things will be better and that they will survive for one more day. 

'I would love to pay for your food'

Image Source: Facebook | Ronda Chung
Image Source: Facebook | Ronda Chung

In such an act of kindness, a cashier at El Sur Street Food Co. offered to pay for a homeless person who walked in inquiring if the restaurant had any food to donate. Ronda Chung shared the post on her Facebook and revealed more details in the caption. As soon as the man asked if the restaurant could donate something, the cashier replied that he would "love" to pay for his food and even asked him what he would prefer to eat. 

Anything on the menu

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pixabay

The cashier decided to treat the person with the largest item on their menu, the huge "Con Todo baleada," when he could have easily given him something smaller like chips or salsa. The kind man asked the individual if he wanted the order to go or if he wanted to eat at the restaurant. The individual worried that his requests were disrupting their business. The cashier calmly replied that he was not at all bothered and was happy to help him, proceeding to offer him a table to enjoy his meal. 

The world needs more kindness

Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project
Representative Image Source: Pexels | RDNE Stock project

Human being, just being human. We need to make stories like this more common. I hope people in the community hit up this place and show support for this business. We need more people like this in the world. u/10utKastWill. I hope one day this is just common and no need for a story and ppl instead record ppl who aren’t like this cuz that’s way more common right now. u/Content-Freedom1688

Hope of a better world

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Antoni Shkraba
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Antoni Shkraba

Thank you for sharing this with us. With all of the $h!t that is happening around us in the world today, this is the kind of story that everyone needs to hear. Props to that restaurant worker for doing what he did to make that man feel like a human being. u/PilgrimPayne59. I love doing this at Starbucks. We had a guy who (I don’t like to assume but I gathered enough information without prying or asking him personal questions) I’m pretty sure was a homeless vet and my manager and I made sure he knew he was welcome to hang out in our cafe. u/BusinessDuck132

Kindness is contagious

Pexels | Photo by RDNE Stock project
Pexels | Photo by RDNE Stock project

I love doing this at Starbucks. We had a guy who (I don’t like to assume but I gathered enough information without prying or asking him personal questions) I’m pretty sure was a homeless vet and my manager and I made sure he knew he was welcome to hang out in our cafe. - u/BusinessDuck132. I truly believe the vast majority of us are really good and kind people. We have just let those who do not shout very loudly and get too much attention. What a great story. -u/Door_Wardrobe_Red.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on October 12, 2023. It has since been updated.

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