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Hilarious Craigslist ad seeks date for narcissistic mother-in-law to stop her from ruining the wedding

A lot of people applied for the job citing their experience in handling cranky narcissistic relatives.

Hilarious Craigslist ad seeks date for narcissistic mother-in-law to stop her from ruining the wedding

The stereotype of the 'evil' Mother-in-law is an unfair one but this one ad posted on Craigslist doesn't really help. The hilarious ad sought a wedding date for a narcissistic mother-in-law to stop her from ruining the ceremony. The ad offered a whopping $1,000 to anyone who can de-escalate and distract the mother-in-law as and when needed during the wedding. While it seemed like easy money, the person issued a clear warning that things could go south fast. A screenshot of the ad was reposted on Reddit by u/elledekker, where it went viral.

Midsection Of Newlywed Couple Standing Outdoors - stock photo/Getty Images




The ad clearly spelled out what was expected of the person and gave an inkling of the kind of antics they could expect at the wedding. "She needs constant attention and supervision. She will probably wear white and try to escalate small dramas — your job is simply to distract and de-escalate," read the ad. The ad poster said it was $1,000 for a 2-day job. Among the skills required the handle the situation, the ad called for a specific set of skills including dancing and de-escalation among other things. "Conversationalist, De-escalator, good dancer, experience with narcissists is an added plus," read the ad.



The ad called someone who could dedicate all their time to keeping the mother-in-law in check so the wedding can go on without any hiccups. You should be "able to pretend you happen to be a guest interested in sitting/dancing with the mother-in-law." The ad called for someone in the age bracket of 40-60. They described the dreaded mother-in-law as 51-years-old, slim, and attractive. "Should be able to give her your undivided attention and wear your own suit," read the posting. 



The person who posted the ad said they would provide background information on the 51-year-old and the wedding participants, and also arm them with conversation topics that could help in handling the mother-in-law. They said food and travel expenses would be covered and in addition to the $1,000 and also a "Hotel room (your own, of course)," concluded the cheeky ad. The ad sought applicants for the wedding in Hudson Valley in New York. "Please send a photo of yourself and a quick blurb indicating your interest/qualifications. You will also need to be able to OK with us running a background check on you just for safety's sake," said the ad.



The post generated much curiosity and amusement on Reddit. "I didn't realize I had employable skills," joked one person. Another Redditor added, "1000 + open bar? I'll jump on that grenade." Some poor soul who watched their wedding ruined wrote, "Hmm… kind of wish we had thought to do this. Hindsight is definitely 20/20." One Redditor wondered, "Seems like a solid plan, what could possibly go wrong?". Another replied, "That sounds like the premise to a 3rd rate rom-com movie." A lot of people said they'd volunteer. One person said their "husband is telling me he was born to play this part." The original poster couldn't help but wonder about wild hypothetical scenarios. "Plot twist: mother in law finds the ad and plays along with it UNTIL the middle of the wedding where she losers her shit/throws a tantrum and calls them out on it," they wrote.

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