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Here's what the 'world's most beautiful' flower garden looks like when there are no visitors

The world-famous Keukenhof was closed to the public for the first time in 71 years. With no visitors, the flower garden looked breathtaking.

Here's what the 'world's most beautiful' flower garden looks like when there are no visitors
Image Source: Albert Dros/Facebook

Everyone is indoors now, practicing self-isolation. In the meantime, we've seen many stories about how wildlife is finally returning to their original environments, free of annoying tourists. Do you sometimes wonder what some of our other tourist spots look like right now? Well, photographer Albert Dros visited the famous Keukenhof in the Netherlands, touted as the most beautiful spring garden in the world. While he was there, he took a compilation of stunning photographs to show everyone just how breathtaking the flower garden looks when humans aren't around. He took to Facebook in order to share his photos of the majestic garden with the rest of the world.



"As a real Dutch man, I am a big fan of our flowers. And as a landscape photographer, I enjoy our beautiful spring each year in which I always find time to photograph the flowers and show the beauty of the Dutch flowers to the whole world," he wrote​. "Most of you probably know the world-famous Keukenhof, the most beautiful tulip garden in the world. Every year millions of tourists visit this garden. That’s a huge lot considering the garden is only open in spring! Every year, a hard-working crew makes sure the garden looks as good as ever, including this year!" This year, however, things were a little bit different.



Dros explained that, for the first time in 71 years, the flower garden was closed to the general public. Luckily, that didn't mean there weren't any flowers. He stated, "On the contrary; the flowers look incredible and get as much attention and care as always. All the passionate gardeners do their work as they’re used to. Because even without people, nature and the show of the garden goes on." This was the perfect opportunity for the photographer to fulfill one of his lifelong desires. Though he had visited the Keukenhof every single year for many years now, he still wished to capture the flower garden when there were no people present. Finally, he was able to do exactly that.



Thankfully, the officials of the flower garden were more than happy to let Dros photograph the stunning flowers in all their glory. The photographer shared his experience of being alone with the flowers for the first time. "When I visited the park it looked at its best. Interestingly enough, we have experienced the sunniest April EVER in the Netherlands, making all the flowers pop very fast. Photographing in broad daylight with the strong sun was a challenge," he wrote. "But forget about the photography for a moment: Walking around there all alone, with only the sounds of birds and the incredible smell of all these flowers, is an experience by itself. I sometimes just sat next to the flowers and the water, enjoying the nature for 30 minutes long. It was just a magical experience. Having no people in the park allowed me to photograph paths and angles in a certain way that you normally don’t get to see because of the crowds." So, we may be cooped inside our homes, but there is still beauty out there that we can still bear witness to, thanks to Dros and his beautiful photography.



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