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Here's what 'Google' was almost named and it's a doozy

Google's name is not only catchy but meaningful and reflects the company's commitment to organizing and providing access to an infinite amount of information.

Here's what 'Google' was almost named and it's a doozy
Cover Image Source: Pexels/cottonbro studio

Have you ever wondered what 'Google' means? The name has become synonymous with research, so much so that we may have forgotten to question its origin. However, the answer is actually quite fascinating and sheds light on the ingenuity and creativity of its founders.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who met at Stanford University in the mid-90s, were the masterminds behind Google's creation. However, before the search engine called Google became known as such, it was originally called Backrub. Yes, you read that right, Backrub. Per Business Insider, the name was inspired by the backlinks that the search engine analyzed.

Thankfully, Page and Brin soon realized that Backrub was not the most suitable name for their creation. So, they began brainstorming a new name that would reflect their mission to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Image Source: Pexels/Pixabay
Image Source: Pexels/Pixabay


The Mirror reports that the pair eventually settled on the name 'Google' because it was inspired by the mathematical term 'googol', which refers to the number one followed by a hundred zeros. It was a fitting choice since the founders' vision was to organize and provide access to an immeasurable amount of information. However, there was a small hiccup. During the brainstorming session, one of the students involved in the process misspelled the word 'googol' as 'Google'. Despite the mistake, Page and Brin decided to run with it, and the rest is history.

Image Source: Pexels/ PhotoMIX Company
Image Source: Pexels/ PhotoMIX Company


Since its inception, Google has evolved from a dorm room project to a global tech giant that serves billions of people worldwide. From its humble beginnings using Lego servers, it has transformed into an essential tool that is almost ubiquitous in our daily lives. Google has also expanded beyond its original mission of providing access to information. The company has diversified into various sectors, including email (Gmail), cloud computing (Google Cloud), and online video streaming (YouTube), among others.

Image Source: GettyImages/Michael Nagle/Google Founders Launch Google Transit Tool For NYC
Image Source: GettyImages/Michael Nagle/Google Founders Launch Google Transit Tool For NYC


The story of Google's name is not unique. Many well-known brands have equally unusual or unexpected origins. For example, B&Q, the DIY chain store, is named after its founders, Richard Block and David Quayle. PG Tips, the popular British tea brand, was originally called 'Pre-Gest-Tea', which sounds more like a medical condition than a refreshing beverage. However, what sets Google's name apart is how it reflects the company's ethos and mission. The name 'Google' is not just catchy; it is also meaningful and represents the company's commitment to organizing and providing access to an almost infinite amount of information.

Image Source: Pexels/Sarah Blocksidge
Image Source: Pexels/Sarah Blocksidge


Google's name serves as evidence of its founders' resourcefulness and originality. By selecting a name that mirrors their purpose, Page and Brin established a trademark that represents inventiveness, inclusivity, and practicality. Despite its evolution from a dormitory project, Google's name continues to hold significance and resonance.

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