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Here's a list of slang words banned by a school that are sure to make Millennials feel old

Stopping the Gen Z or Gen Alpha students from speaking in slang in the classrooms, this school made a list that Millennials can't relate to.

Here's a list of slang words banned by a school that are sure to make Millennials feel old
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/Only-Reels

The only thing that's constant in this society is change. Every few years, new trends pop up on the internet, for instance, the constantly evolving slang phrases. While the English language hasn't changed much in the past, the recent years of social media supremacy led to the youth of every passing generation adopting different slang. Just as Millennials' slang puzzled Boomers and Gen X's, the Gen Z or Gen Alpha slang is making Millennials feel archaic. Recently, a picture of banned slang words in school shared by u/Only-Reels on Reddit surely caused a stir among Millennials. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Max Fischer
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Max Fischer

The individual posted a picture of the "banned words" list that an unidentified teacher wrote on the classroom's board on 17th September. Looks like, the teacher or the school itself was tired of listening to quirky phrases and words that their Gen Z and Gen Alpha students often used at school. The list covered almost every popular slang phrase of the current youth including, "Diddy party," "alpha," "skibidi toilet," "sigma," "mewing," "omega," "Ohio," "beta," "brainrot," "gooning," "rizz," and "gyatt." Posting this picture to the subreddit dedicated to Millennials, the user asked, "Did your school ever ban words?" and some interesting responses came in.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Only-Reels
Image Source: Reddit | u/Only-Reels

Evidently, many Millennials could not relate to this "banned words" list because back in their days, they had other bans. "They banned pogs, then yo-yo’s. No words were 'banned,' but you’d definitely get in trouble for saying any curse words," said u/TogarSucks. "I can't remember if they did. They did ban trench coats and removed all of the 'violent' video games from the computers," pointed out u/SoloMotorcycleRider. Some Millennials reminisced that only curse words were looked down upon. "Yes, but we didn't have them written on the board. Curse words were obvious. Also, 'crap' was banned for some reason," added u/Slatemanforlife.

Image source: Reddit | u/iLove2MTB_0914
Image source: Reddit | u/iLove2MTB_0914


Image Source: Reddit | u/MarmaladeMarmaduke
Image Source: Reddit | u/MarmaladeMarmaduke


Image Source: Reddit | u/yogtheterrible
Image Source: Reddit | u/yogtheterrible

However, a few Millennials recalled certain phrases that were rebuked at school. "When I was in 5th grade, the use of the word 'turd' suddenly skyrocketed for some reason and was subsequently banned. It was this weird mind virus where someone would say the word 'turd' and the whole class would be in hysterics," wrote u/Rockbeezy. "There was a guy in my history class, I think it was sophomore year, who replied to everything with 'that's what's up' and the teacher got so utterly sick of it she banned the phrase," chimed in u/IconoclastExplosive.

As the GenZ and Gen Alpha slang words has taken the upper hand, Millennial slang phrases have died a slow death. So much so that if one uses them, they are totally considered old. A 21-year-old singer and content creator, Allegra Miles who goes by @allegramiles on TikTok shared a video revealing the "outdated" slang phrases. "YOLO," which means "You Ony Live Once," and phrases like, "You slayed," "You ate," "Game," "Vibe," or "On point," have all been replaced with their Gen Z counterparts. So, anyone who still thinks that it's cool to use phrases like these must give themselves a reality check that their popularity is long gone. "I'm not saying one is better than the other. It's just things that in my life I've observed have changed over the years," Miles added.

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