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Grandpa who 'never thought he'd see' his sister again can't believe his eyes after she surprises him

It was unexpected and that’s why it was the most beautiful moment for this old man who met his beloved sister after years.

Grandpa who 'never thought he'd see' his sister again can't believe his eyes after she surprises him
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @lyndsayxr

A lot is said about life and it is a journey towards the inevitable departure of the soul from its physical form. There comes a point in all our lives where we see our old parents or grandparents in ailing health, full of contentment for the years they’ve lived and a smile for what may come next. This is exactly what was captured in a beautiful and heart-warming TikTok video shared by Lindsay (@lyndsayxr) which shows her grandfather’s day being made when he witnessed a pleasant surprise.

Image Source: TikTok | @lyndsayxr/
Image Source: TikTok | @lyndsayxr

Lindsay explained in the caption of the video that her grandfather hadn’t seen his sister in six years and the entire family planned to change this fact soon. The family got the grandfather’s sister to fly "all the way from Australia,” with a “decoy surprise being his other sister and brother-in-law." She also explained that the grandfather’s health had been deteriorating and he was unsure whether he would ever meet his sister again. “Our grampa getting the surprise of his life,” captures the perfect emotion of the video, which begins with the grandfather sitting in a whole family circle of relatives and friends, all of whom seem to be having a cozy time in each other’s company. The grandfather looks at someone entering the room and smiles wide in shock. He points his finger to identify the person and then gets up from the couch to hug the decoy surprise, which is his brother-in-law in a purple sweater. The two men remain standing, grabbing each other’s arms and taking in the moment.

Image Source: TikTok | @lyndsayxr
Image Source: TikTok | @lyndsayxr

When it’s time for the real surprise of his sister from Australia, the grandfather’s eyes light up in shock, his mouth opens wide and he breaks down, covering his eyes, almost not believing who it is that he just saw. He lets his emotions flow and is hugged by his brother-in-law while he cries in joy. He then opens his arms wide and smiles wider. His sister, an elegant woman with short auburn hair, spectacles and a shawl around her arms, walks into her brother’s arms in a warm embrace that looks just like the familiar kind of childhood love that the two must’ve shared in their young days together. The sister then met the other members of the family, all of whom were overjoyed and touched by her presence in the same room—something that was unimaginable and unexpectedly beautiful.

Image Source: TikTok | @lyndsayxr
Image Source: TikTok | @lyndsayxr


Image Source: TikTok | @charliandrea
Image Source: TikTok | @charliandrea


Image Source: TikTok | @rvchellecox
Image Source: TikTok | @rvchellecox

The comments section was filled with immense joy and the users revelled in the happiness of Lindsay’s video. @abigailjones635 said, “7:45 am on a Sunday is too early to be crying over people I don't know.” Another user, @xx_1_1_1_xx, said, “Omg stop it, his little face when he saw her.” Sibling love is unmatched by anything else that might be out there. 

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