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Grandpa has an emotional reaction to his granddaughter getting engaged: 'We approve'

She revealed her engagement through a video call and her adorable grandpa couldn't hold back his tears.

Grandpa has an emotional reaction to his granddaughter getting engaged: 'We approve'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @livpostl

Grandparents are the most precious creatures in the whole world. They love us more than anyone in the world and hype you up like no other. Therefore, they are also the best recipients of any good news. The genuine happiness that appears on their face when they see something good happening in their grandchildren's lives is heartwarming. This was evident in Liv Postl's grandpa's reaction when she revealed her good news to him. Her grandpa Gary was everything all at once- shocked by the sudden news, happy at his grandaughter's happiness and emotional by the turn of events. Gary's heartwarming reaction is truly a moment to behold.

Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok | @livpostl

A video call gave the news and the call was picked up initially by Postl's Grandma who then passed it on to Gary. At first, they were keeping it under wraps wanting to surprise Gary. After the phone was passed on Postl posed a question to him "You went to two docs?" Liv was not able to keep up the ruse for long though as she was excited to share the big news and raised her hand to show her beloved Grandpa her ring. As expected he was elated seeing his baby take such a big step in her life.

Image Source: TikTok/ @livpost
Image Source: TikTok | @livpostl

At first, he was taken aback as he did not expect the news at all. Then, he went ahead and congratulated her, giving her his blessings. All this time the grandma was moving around delighted that the surprise was revealed exactly how they wanted it to. Grandma asked Postl to, "Hold that up again." She again wanted a glimpse of the large ring, and it was at this moment that Gary broke down. He began wiping his tears. Even though it was emotional all around everybody realized that they were happy tears at seeing the apple of his eye take such a huge step.

After hearing his wife say that the ring looked larger than last night, Gary figured out that she and his daughter were in on the plan to surprise him. The whole family was happy and was witness to Postl beaming with happiness on her face. They then asked, "Where's the crazy guy that brought you that?" The whole thing then took on a funny route, where Gary warns his grandaughter's fiance that he will tell him to his mother. The fiance reveals that his mother already knows and approves. In the end, Gary spoke for his entire family, "We approve too."

Image Source: Tiktok
Image Source: Tiktok


Image Source: TikTok
Image Source: TikTok

The whole exchange was heartwarming and won a lot of love on the internet. @kareleahxo felt emotional seeing Gary's reaction and wrote, "It’s like all he could see was the little you, Congrats!!". @brianaafletes thought that the whole exchange was full of love, "Liv I am sitting in a puddle of tears!! This is so wholesome Congratulations!" This exchange makes @emma.yarborough wish to have something similar in her life, "Liv I am sitting in a puddle of tears." The video has garnered 3.5 million views till now.


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