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Grandmother breaks down in happy tears after receiving her first ever Barbie doll

The woman could not control her emotions as she unwrapped the gift; she had always dreamed of getting a Barbie doll.

Grandmother breaks down in happy tears after receiving her first ever Barbie doll
Image source: Twitter/@GoodNewsCorres1

Dona Carmoza had dreamed of owning a Barbie doll from a very young age but she never had one of her own. She got older but her dream didn't die and her granddaughter ensured she get her own doll. She surprised her grandmother with a Barbie and the reaction from her grandmother is heartwarming. The incident occurred in Brazil; a short clip was posted on Twitter and showed the elderly woman excitedly opening a gift-wrapped package. The elderly woman's face lights up as she realizes what it is and breaks into happy tears. The video went viral and the internet couldn't get enough of the the joyous reaction from the grandmother.



Once she fully opens the package, Dona Carmoza is in tears and hugs her granddaughter and kisses. For Carmoza, it was the realization of a lifelong dream and it was too much to process out of the blue. A kid can be seen in the background as Carmoza unwraps the package. She then turns to him and shows off her gift before waving it to others in the room. One Instagram user commented that there's always a kid in all of us. "The child in you never forgets the things it wanted no matter how old you get," they wrote. "That is so sweet! Never too old for our dreams come true!" wrote another. The video was posted on Twitter and was captioned: “BEAUTIFUL SURPRISE. Dona Carmoza is surprised with a Barbie doll from her granddaughter. She'd wanted a Barbie her whole life.” The clip posted on Instagram has been viewed more than 500,000 times.

The post resonated with many on Twitter and the comments were full of positivity. "It reminds me of when I gave a coworker one of my knitted teddy bears. She never had a teddy bear in her life," wrote one person. Another added, "It's so easy to be kind we should all do more small acts of kindness." Many posted heart emoticons in the comments section. One Instagram user commented, "The little things that some people tend to take for granted are the biggest things to others." 



One person recalled a similar thing they did for their grandmother. "This made me cry. We did this exact thing for my grandmother. She always dreamed of having a ballerina doll as a child but had no dolls so we bought her a ballerina twirling barbie. She displayed it on her dresser and loves to stare at it. Made her the happiest ever," they wrote

One person said it was important to note that most of our grandmothers didn't have the luxury or the things that we have now. "Grandma’s are the best, and for most of us we know our grandmas didn’t have what we had or what our kids have," they wrote. It just goes to show that small gestures and gifts can mean the world to someone else. "I wish we could have made this happen for her a lot sooner. It’s the best when something small genuinely makes someone so happy!" they wrote

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