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Granddaughter recalls the hilarity that ensued after grandma was asked to blow out birthday candles

The grandmother was just enjoying her 102nd birthday when an unexpected incident turned the celebration into a laugh riot.

Granddaughter recalls the hilarity that ensued after grandma was asked to blow out birthday candles
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @bakeycakes

Grandparents are the best and there is hardly anyone who disagrees with this. They're fun, they're hilarious and they're full of love. They love their grandkids and leave no chance to spend time with them. And they're the happiest people when you surprise them. In a video posted on Instagram by Lisa Addario (@bakeycakes), who is the granddaughter of the lady in the video, she shares glimpses of a birthday party that turned into a laughter club. The video was captioned, "This legend would’ve been 110 today. We’ve seen this a thousand times and it never gets old. HBD #nonnie - you’re STILL making people’s days brighter."

Image Source: Instagram | @bakeycakes
Image Source: Instagram | @bakeycakes

In the video, you can see an old grandma sitting across a cake that says 102 showcasing that it's probably her birthday cake. The candle of 102 is lit. Everyone is singing Happy Birthday to her, after which someone asks her to blow onto it and wish for something. However, when she does just that - something hilarious happens. As she blows on her cake, her dentures come flying off, causing everyone around to have a very good laugh! 

Image Source: TikTok | @ridiculousness2023
Image Source: Instagram | @bakeycakes

In an old interview with ABC News, Louise Bonito, which was the grandmother's name, shed some more light on the scene. She said that her family got her a birthday cake on Mother's Day to celebrate her birthday which was on 26th April. Her granddaughter Lisa Addario said, "It happened on Sunday at my grandmother's house. It was her 102nd birthday the last week in April so since we were all in town, we got together and celebrated." She then added, "We were just singing 'Happy birthday' and we were all gathered around. She blew out the candles and her teeth just flew out!"

Image Source: TikTok | @ridiculousness2023
Image Source: Instagram | @bakeycakes

She shares just how surprised she was when her dentures flew out! She said, "I was sitting down and my daughter brought in a cake with a 1-0-2 on it. She said, 'Okay Mom, you have to blow out the candles.' I took a deep, deep breath and with all my might I blew out the candles and then my teeth came out!" She then added that this made her grandchildren go crazy, laughing. The video recorded by Addario has been gaining thousands of views all over the internet.

Addario said how she and her family had a great laugh for almost an hour after the incident. She said that her grandmother told them how she didn’t feel like putting in that glue that they asked people with dentures to use. She elaborated on it saying, "I've met people who are 80 that act older than she is. She does everything. She cooks every meal. She made two trays of lasagna for 20 people by herself. She's incredible." Instead of feeling embarrassed, Bonito was happy to have given her loved ones "a good laugh." Talking about her family, Bonito said, "I have five children - four boys and one girl. I have 12 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren, which thank God they come and I'm in close contact with all of them. There's a lot of love here. I always say 'I've been blessed'." She finally adds, "There are so many problems in this life and I'm so glad that with this there can be laughter."

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A post shared by Lisa Addario (@bakeycakes)



Image Source: Instagram | @hoover.kellie
Image Source: Instagram | @hoover.kellie

A lot of people commented on the video as well. @jensandbox said, "My favorite video ever!" Another user, @tinekaz, said, "Adorable! I know the angels are celebrating in heaven." All in all, this video surely became an internet favorite. Lisa's grandmother lived a long and happy life full of fun and laughter - as can be seen by her card play and willingness to laugh on herself.

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A post shared by Lisa Addario (@bakeycakes)


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