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Gordon Ramsey stands up for young chef by shutting down rude customer with quick comeback

Gordon Ramsay is known for his exceptional culinary skills, sharp wit, and no-nonsense approach.

Gordon Ramsey stands up for young chef by shutting down rude customer with quick comeback
Cover Image Source: Chef and television personality Gordon Ramsay at his new restaurant in the London Hotel in New York City. (Photo by David Howells/Corbis via Getty Images)

Gordon Ramsay is one of the world’s most recognized chefs, celebrated for his culinary expertise, television presence, and no-nonsense style. A YouTube channel called "All in the Kitchen" shares clips and episodes from Ramsay’s various shows. In one episode of "Kitchen Nightmares," Ramsay steps in to defend a young chef from an irate customer. The restaurant is bustling, with many diners enjoying their meals, while a customer dining with her family loudly complains about her food.

Picture Source: Producer/Chef Gordon Ramsay attends Fox's

Image Source: Producer/Chef Gordon Ramsay attends Fox's "Hell's Kitchen" 200th Episode Celebration at the Hell's Kitchen studio on October 1, 2013 in Culver City, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

The customer told the waiter that the food was "absolutely terrible" and added, "I wouldn’t even feed it to my dog." The waiter relayed the complaints to the chef, prompting Ramsay to step in. He asked, "Why didn't she like it?" and was told that the customer found the steak "too tough." After inspecting the dish and finding nothing wrong, Ramsay decided to confront the customer directly.


Ramsay approaches the lady in a friendly manner and asks, "What's the matter sweetheart?" The lady says that the food was terrible. Ramsay responds, "Why don't you just sit down and try to enjoy a cup of coffee?" When the lady still did not stop complaining, Ramsay wore his no-nonsense cloak. He said, "Okay, good. But unfortunately madam, you're talking out your r***." His reply infuriated the lady who then asked Ramsay to watch his mouth. However, Ramsay then proceeded to welcome more customers into the restaurant and as he did, he said, "Ladies welcome, good evening. Sorry about the old bag," pointing towards the rude customer.

Image Source: Chef Gordon Ramsay poses for a photo in the Kitchen of his new restaurant, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay at The London Hotel on November 14, 2006 in New York City. (Photo by Brad Barket/Getty Images)
Image Source: Chef Gordon Ramsay poses for a photo in the Kitchen of his new restaurant, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay at The London Hotel on November 14, 2006, in New York City. (Photo by Brad Barket/Getty Images)

A participant on "MasterChef Legends," Paula Deen described Ramsay as “sweet” and “very kind”. She said in an interview with Mashed, “The first time I ever met and worked with Gordon, I said, 'Gordon, I'm going home and I'm going to ruin your reputation.' He said, 'How's that, Paula?' I said, 'Because everybody thinks you're such a badass, and I'm going to tell them what a cream puff you really are.'" She describes Ramsay as "sweet" and "very kind," and while he can throw around what she calls some "very saucy language," she says she can dish it right back at him. However, she did note that she wasn't able to quite match the level of critique that Ramsay is known for giving his chefs, saying she hates to "poo poo on somebody's parade.”

Chef Christina Wilson, who was the winner of “Hell’s Kitchen” season 10, said Ramsay is quite constructive and calm during the challenges that appear on the show. However, he gets really angry when his reputation or the reputation of his restaurant is at stake. Wilson said in an interview with the outlet, “The only time he really gets wound up is if the food that shouldn't be going out of the kitchen is going out of the kitchen.”

Another story highlights Ramsay's gesture of kindness when he helped a kitchen manager of a school when more students started coming into the cafeteria but the kitchen did not have enough staff. Ramsay sent one of his cooks to support the lady in feeding the schoolchildren.

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