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Good Samaritan helps 75-year-old woman for free after she suffered months in sweltering heat

Peggy Moore had paid an HVAC contractor $5,000 in February to have her air conditioning fixed but got ripped off until a stranger stepped in.

Good Samaritan helps 75-year-old woman for free after she suffered months in sweltering heat
Cover Image Source: YouTube | FOX4 News Kansas City

As the weather changes become unbearable in many parts of the world, one Kansas City resident wasn't even able to take refuge in her own home as temperatures soared. Peggy Moore suffered in the heat as her home had been 90 degrees for months even after paying to get an A/C unit installed. The heat gave her pounding headaches and depleted her energy. "I'm so hot, I can't do anything, I can't clean my house, I can't do anything," she said. Moore couldn’t even keep her own house neat and tidy because of the heat, and she felt frustrated and embarrassed. She soon broke down. "I feel bad about it because this is not the way I live. This is not the way I keep my house," the 75-year-old told FOX4 Kansas City. "I get to the point where I can't hardly breathe. I get these bad headaches, I can't see. It's really hard, it's very hard."

Representational Image Source: Pexels |  cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio

In fact, the senior citizen had already shelled out a hefty $5,000 to get her air conditioning unit in working order but got ripped off instead.  After suffering for months a good Samaritan stepped in in to help and he did it all for free.  Harry Frame from Service 1st Contractors caught wind of her predicament through Fox4 Problem Solvers and couldn’t stand by without pitching in. He learned that the previous A/C unit was too small for Moore's home and he replaced it with a brand new one.

“There are a lot of problems in the world these days so anybody can – that can reach out and just do a little good for somebody it needs to happen more often,” Frame said. Not only did Frame's act of kindness ensure Moore didn't have to suffer anymore it also helped her regain faith in the goodness of people. She exclaimed, “I did a program last Saturday for senior citizens called ‘somebody loves you,’ and now I really believe in those words. I’m thankful that so many people cared and came to my rescue because I didn’t know what I was going to do,” Moore added.


There have been plenty of lovely stories of strangers helping elderly people in the recent past. Back in July, a driver stopped a train to rescue a frightened dog and reunite her with her 60-year-old owners. The railroad engineer stopped his train when he spotted a little, scared animal in some bushes beside the tracks near Rutland, England. Michael Jones, who was riding a freight train, spotted a pug named Poppy trembling by the tracks. The good Samaritan stopped the train and lept out of the cabin to take Poppy back somewhere safe. Poppy was soon reunited with her owners, Dawn and Ian Bain, as well as her furry companion Tinker. “My heart—it didn’t know whether to sing or stop,” Dawn said. “In comes this train with this beautiful man on, with Poppy sat on his knee. I cried, massively, and he cried," said the pet parent. Jones added, "I genuinely believe if I hadn't had spotted her, she would never have been found. Where she was, no one is looking there for any particular reason."


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