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'Golden Retriever' husband surprises wife with love letters she wrote him 12 years ago

The husband saved the little love notes his wife wrote for him during their dating days so that he could show them to their kids.

'Golden Retriever' husband surprises wife with love letters she wrote him 12 years ago
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @anacf93

While falling in love can happen effortlessly, staying in love takes a great deal of work. A relationship that remains stable for years stems from a good understanding between the couple that stands the trials of life. Also, taking the time to occasionally rekindle the romance shared at the beginning of a relationship can do wonders and the best example of this would be this "Golden Retriever" husband's thoughtful gesture. A mom of three named Ana—who goes by @anacf93 on TikTok—revealed how her husband saved dozens of letters and little notes she wrote for him when they were dating 12 years ago. 

Image Source: TikTok | @anacf93
Image Source: TikTok | @anacf93

In a video shared by Ana, her husband is seen digging through his old stuff and taking out a bunch of papers. The wife gasps in excitement, saying, "Those are my posters" and the husband cheerfully rushes to open them up. The man is visibly thrilled in the video to show his kids how much their mom loved their dad. He spreads a large black chart filled with colorful sticky notes and handwritten love letters from the time the couple were dating. It turns out that Ana had no idea her husband had saved those memories. The husband proudly flaunted his wife's poster to his kids and the little ones were intrigued as they read the notes and letters.

Image Source: TikTok | @karinaarona1
Image Source: TikTok | @karinaarona1
Image source: TikTok | @wizard101swife
Image source: TikTok | @wizard101swife

"Part-1 evidence #174929 that I married a green flag Golden Retriever," the wife captioned the video. With over 186K views, this video stole many hearts on the internet. People gushed over how considerate the husband was to save the notes all these years. "I can only manifest being loved like this. How precious!" said @prqvm. "This is so wholesome. That's him teaching his son to be a good man," commented @erinmorton56. "I kept letters from my first girlfriend when we broke up the first time. I saved them for two years just to get back together months after I threw them away. We've been together three years now," added @anthonygallego86 and Ana replied, "Time to write some new ones."

Since the first video didn't reveal much of the poster, Ana shared a second video offering a closer look at the cute little notes and pictures from "The Ana Calendar." When Ana and her husband were dating 12 years ago, they had one summer where they had to be in a long-distance relationship. "We did long distance for a whole summer while I visited family and he stayed in school. So, I wrote him a letter, silly note or picture for every day we'd be apart," Ana told Newsweek. The notes were beautiful expressions of love and longing for each other. Some even featured Ana's hopes and dreams about how their future would look.

Image Source: TikTok | @anacf93
Image Source: TikTok | @anacf93

True to her words from those letters, the couple have now been happily married for 11 years and share three children. "Sharing them with our kids was so emotional since I had even written about our future daughter and called her by the name we eventually used when my daughter was born five years later," Ana added. In the second video, explained to her children what each letter was about. Seeing the plethora of love notes and letters, one of Ana's kids quipped, "Man! Mommy, you were a handful." Though we have come a long way in fast-paced communication, handwritten letters like these are always special and the "green flag" husband knew it well.

You can follow Ana (@anacf93) on TikTok for more family and relationship content.

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