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Foster dog given a month to live survived another year and completed her bucket list: 'She thrived'

Throughout her journey, she exhibited a laid-back and easygoing temperament and her love of observing the world around her.

Foster dog given a month to live survived another year and completed her bucket list: 'She thrived'
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @dallasanimalfoster

It's difficult to hope sometimes but there are still a few instances telling us that something better awaits us whether we choose to hold on to it or not. Annie, a 19-year-old black Labrador, was given around a month to live when she was placed for adoption in June 2022. Annie's former owner had given up hope and surrendered her to shelter house Powerful Rescue in Dallas, Texas because she wouldn't eat or drink.

That's all the shelter knew about her past, besides her name and age. Once Lauren Siler, 31, discovered Annie's photo, she knew she had to help. Instead of a month or two, Annie was fostered by Siler and her roommate, Lisa Flores, for an entire year, as per USA Today.

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Siler knew what it took to care for an elderly dog because she had recently lost her own dog, whom she had since college. "I had recently gone through that heartache and saw firsthand when a dog was telling you it's time to go," Siler shared. "I felt mentally and emotionally prepared to take on a dog that wasn't going to have long." Perhaps it was her age, or perhaps it was her temperament, but Siler described Annie as a laid-back and easygoing dog. Her favorite pastimes included opening mail and sitting outside, watching people, dogs, and cars pass by, earning her the moniker "nosy neighbour."

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Annie even got to complete a bucket list full of experiences. The pet pooch got to celebrate her 20th birthday, "two Christmases," and also appeared on a billboard. She also "walked out onto the TX rangers baseball field, made the news, headlined events and literally inspired millions." Annie ended up gaining Instagram followers who were interested in assisting her in living her days to the fullest. Siler stated that her bucket list grew over time as she continued to live.

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"It ended up being a full year of adventures for Annie," Siler expressed. "People kept telling us she was having so much fun and enjoying life and that kept her going, and I hope that was the case," she continued. "I hope she was having so much fun that she just wanted to keep living life." Annie lived almost exactly a year after being adopted by Siler and Flores.

"Annie had the life we pray every senior dog we rescue gets to experience. Annie didn’t just live out this past year, she thrived. Annie had bloat and her stomach had done a complete 360 flip. Surgical intervention was her only option and that was never something we would put Annie through. Collectively, we made the hardest decision for us but kindest for Annie," Siler wrote on Instagram on June 26.

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"I can’t help but think that Annie would be so proud. She was one special dog whose legacy will live on through those who foster and adopt seniors. She left a giant, giant hole in my heart… but times, where everyone who loved her can come together in her honor, will help start mending my broken heart," Siler wrote in a separate Instagram post. Siler now wants to take a break from fostering dogs but she would soon save one kind soul like Annie.

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