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His future hung on how he performed in an exam. She made his day with a thoughtful gesture.

Thoughtful gestures, big or small, can go a long way in helping one feel motivated and composed on days that are tougher than usual.

His future hung on how he performed in an exam. She made his day with a thoughtful gesture.
Cover Image Source: Twitter | @GoodNewsMovement

Our loved ones need our love and support on days that are tougher than usual. From a cup of coffee or a hug to a bouquet of flowers, any thoughtful gesture can go a long way in helping one feel motivated and composed on such days. This is exactly what one girlfriend intended to do for her boyfriend when he gave an important examination. Twitter user @elena_jc7 shared an adorable video of her surprising her boyfriend with a bouquet of flowers and a warm smile as he exited from his entrance exam hall.

The video was later reshared by @GoodNewsMovement on Twitter with the caption: "She waits for her boyfriend at the exit of his college entrance exams with a bouquet of flowers."

Image Source: Twitter/@elena_jc7
Image Source: Twitter/@elena_jc7

The caption further reads, "University entrance exams started this week throughout Spain where thousands of students face what is one the most important academic exams of their lives. Nerves are pretty high since these tests decide whether or not they will be able to follow the studies they have chosen." In the video, we see the girl waiting for her boyfriend as students exit the exam hall. When they finally see each other, he notices the bouquet and visibly moved by the gesture, hugs her.

Image Source: Twitter/@elena_jc7
Image Source: Twitter/@elena_jc7

They are also seen exchanging smiles as other students are heard cheering for the couple. This video warmed the hearts of many as it has over 2.1 million views and hundreds of comments. @Annie tweeted, "Something so small means so much." @Poppy wrote, "Looks like they each found a keeper."


In another heartwarming story about a girlfriend surprising her boyfriend, a woman surprised her Greek boyfriend by talking to him in his native language. The video was uploaded by Kate (@kateplus8ft). In the first few seconds of the video, the woman says, "My boyfriend knows that I have been trying to learn Greek, but he does not know how hard I have been going." Then she goes on to say, "Hey baby" in Greek. At this moment, we see that Kate's boyfriend is surprised, but he replies back in Greek. 

Image Source: TikTok | @kateplus8ft
Image Source: TikTok | @kateplus8ft

When Kate continues to converse with him in Greek, he says, "What is going on" and she replies, "Mother's Day is Sunday" in Greek. At this moment, her boyfriend realizes what's going on and says, "Nooo, you have been practicing." And Kate says, "I know." They continue to talk in Greek. "Did you get her a gift?" she asks in continuation of the conversation on Mother's Day. He looks shocked and cannot even keep his balance while standing. She captioned the video, "I'm working on my pronunciation, I promise."

These videos are beautiful examples of appreciating the ones we love in the most special way!

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