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Girl gives the perfect response when rude guy cuts long line and expects her to submit his forms

A college boy who decided to cut a line and wanted a girl to submit his exam form for him got a taste of his own medicine.

Girl gives the perfect response when rude guy cuts long line and expects her to submit his forms
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Keira Burton; Reddit | u/naruto7bond

There is always one or two fellows in every educational institute who do not care about rules and regulations. u/naruto7bond on Reddit became a witness to one such incident that happened in the final year of his engineering studies. The students at the university were queueing up to submit exam forms after the exam schedule was declared. The post started with the guy mentioning that every student had at least two weeks to download the form and submit it to the college.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Krizjohn Rosales
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Krizjohn Rosales

"We boys, for whatever reason, procrastinated until the last date while girls usually had submitted their forms at the beginning itself," the man wrote in the post. "There were two lines. One for boys and one for girls. The boys' line was pretty long when I joined (about 30), while the girls' line was around five people. After I spent about 90 minutes in line, I finally got into the first five in the line. That is when this incident happened." A girl carrying a clipboard stood in line when another guy appeared out of nowhere, placed his exam form on her clipboard and told her to submit the form on his behalf.

"His entire attitude was extremely rude. His words sounded like an order. I thought she was going to slap him, but she didn't. Instead, she took his form and gave him a sweet smile. I thought I misjudged the situation. It is possible to submit other people's forms, but you have to go back and stand in line again. I thought maybe the girl was his friend or something and was willing to do him a favor," the post continued. When the girl's turn came to submit her form, she did it. Then the girl left the line and walked towards the rude guy, who appeared surprised. "She waved his exam form in front of him, again gave him a sweet smile and just dropped it on the floor. She never said a single word to him," the Reddit user recounted.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anastasiya Gepp
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Anastasiya Gepp

Instead of refusing to help the guy at the beginning, she made him waste time by keeping his form with her and by the time she had submitted her own form, the boys' line had increased to more than 50 people. "Pretty much everyone burst into laughter. The guy who was so smug before took his form and just left from there. I have no idea when he submitted his form, probably on a later day, which must have cost him a late fine. That was the best act of revenge I had seen," the man wrote, concluding his post.

To clear out a bit of misunderstanding for fellow Reddit users, he made an edit to add further details about the form submission procedure. He explained that not submitting that form would mean that the person wouldn't get hall tickets and thus wouldn't be allowed to sit in the exams. In certain cases, colleges and universities might make an exception, but a person needs to show a valid reason for not submitting their form on time before the actual exam. The Reddit community cheered for what the girl did to teach the rude boy a proper lesson for his behavior.

Image source: Reddit | u/CoderJoe1
Image source: Reddit | u/CoderJoe1

u/Ready_Competition_66 remarked, "Separate lines to keep harassment to a minimum, apparently. The victim of the revenge shows exactly why that was needed. Some guys there seemed to think all women owe them favors." u/cybeast21 wrote, "He's lucky the girl didn't just silently disposed of it. I know I would've done that." u/cssol mentioned, "I guess she didn't want to provoke him by putting it in the trash can. I thought she'd probably tear it up, but this is just all-around more peaceful, I guess."

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