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Girl dad gives the best answer when ex-wife condemns him for helping daughter with her first period

What he thought was necessary and sensible seemed 'inappropriate' to his ex-wife but the internet showered him with support.

Girl dad gives the best answer when ex-wife condemns him for helping daughter with her first period
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Antoni Shkraba, Reddit | u/kapowshablam

There’s plenty of online support for parents with babies and toddlers, but much less for those navigating their kids' adolescent years. This is especially true for single dads raising daughters, where things can get tricky. One single dad, known as u/kapowshablam on Reddit, was ready to support his daughter as she entered puberty. Knowing her first period could happen anytime, he wanted to help her be prepared and comfortable. However, this well-meaning effort didn’t sit well with his ex-wife, the girl’s mother.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vanessa Ramirez
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vanessa Ramirez

About four years ago, the man divorced his ex-wife and took on the role of single dad to their daughter. "Last year my daughter started middle school, so I thought it would be a good idea to have an emergency kit in case she started her period," he wrote in his post from a year ago. So, when his daughter's first period started, she didn't have to worry about borrowing pads. She shared this news with her mom who was instantly concerned about her having pads. The daughter reassured her that her dad had packed them in her school bag already. One would be happy that the daughter was prepared, but instead, the ex-wife lashed out at the single dad.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vera Arsic
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vera Arsic

The man received a scathing message from his ex-wife criticizing his well-intentioned actions. "This morning I got a long text about how she still has a mom to help her with this and that it's inappropriate and weird that I would do this," the single dad mentioned. However, he gave his ex-wife an epic response. "I text her back saying that as a single dad, I'm always going to make sure that she is taken care of when in my care and is prepared," he said. Despite being criticized for simply helping his daughter, the man wondered if he might've truly crossed a line in any way.

Image Source: Reddit | u/chilliflakes7
Image Source: Reddit | u/chilliflakes7
Image Source: Reddit | u/miss_derp
Image Source: Reddit | u/miss_derp

But the internet rallied in support of the single dad. "I wish my mom had a little kit for me when I started my period. You are an excellent and thoughtful parent, keep that up. It’s not like you told your daughter that she couldn’t talk to her mom about her period," reassured u/GoodwitchofthePNW. "Not wrong at all. My dad taught me all about being a woman growing up. Taught me about periods, how to do my makeup and my hair. Girl stuff isn’t just for moms," remarked u/Munkie29. "Your ex is salty that she has a lifetime of period experience and you still beat her to teaching your daughter about it. Meanwhile, you’re just doing the best job you can, you’re in the right," added a Reddit user

On a similar note, another single dad won the internet for how adorably he handled his daughter's first period. Maverick Austin from Texas initially didn't comprehend that his 11-year-old daughter was having her first period, as per The Daily Mail. She said she pooped her pants and the dad simply went to her school to give her alternate underwear. However, a few moments later, he realized that she actually got her first period and rushed to his daughter's rescue. While intimating the school nurse about the situation, the dad ensured to make up for his ignorance by getting her candy, flowers and ice cream.

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.

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