After years of struggling with alopecia, the girl began to draw art on her bald spots to rise above her condition.
Moliere once said, "The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it." KohanaCat is quite literally proving this quote to be true. Having suffered from alopecia for a long time she has now decided to not let the disease dominate her life anymore. Instead, she seeks to garner victory over her condition by drawing beautiful figures over her bald spots. Through this, she aims to not let herself be constantly bothered by the condition and express her fearless attitude towards it.
Alopecia is a condition that occurs when the immunity system of an individual attacks their hair follicles. This causes heavy hair loss. In this condition, hair fall occurs in small, round patches about the size of a quarter. Some people might have alopecia all through their lives while some might just have episodes of it. The recovery from such conditions is also unpredictable in nature. In some cases, hair grows back again fully while for some that might not be the case. There has still not been any cure for alopecia but certain treatments are available to make the hair grow back quickly.
KohanaCat has been struggling with this condition since her childhood. It has not been an easy journey for the Redditor, as she was criticized regularly for not having the conventional looks. Since childhood, she has been trying to seek resources to deal with the issues resulting from the condition. She is now owning the condition by painting on her bald spots. Every time a new bald spot appears she paints animals on it. In the picture uploaded on Reddit, she has painted a green chameleon on the spot. In the caption she accepts that her drawings might not be aesthetically pleasing, but nevertheless, she is proud of them. They make her bald spots stand out the way she wants them to appear rather than because of alopecia.
Alopecia's psychological implications on individual have been found to be damaging. According to studies, it can lead to emotional suffering and result in personal, social, and work-related problems in individuals suffering from the condition. Women especially attach personal worth to their hair. 40% of women claim to have issues in their marital life because of alopecia while 63% faced problems in their career because of the condition. The psychological distress is directly proportional to the extent of the condition. People with more severe forms of this condition face more distress and depression. Therefore, KohanaCat's move of rising above alopecia with art is so inspiring. She is defining her condition rather than allowing it to define herself.
The comment section was filled with encouragement for KohanaCat. Zweieck2 was moved by the whole thing and appreciated the artistic skills, "You say you're not an artist, but I never painted an animal on my own head! Keep rocking your life like that, champ! Keep your head high, except for all the times when people are amazed by it and want to have a closer look!" Natural-Pineapple886 fell in love with the positivity attempted through this action, "Love your positive attitude. You watch out! You could become infectious and inspiring! All the best!"