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Gen X woman's retirement plan exposes the sad reality of today's crashing economy

Gen X woman shares how for most people out there the option is to work till they die due to the high cost of living.

Gen X woman's retirement plan exposes the sad reality of today's crashing economy
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @thejunquelove

Everything about the world has changed drastically in comparison to how it was 20 years ago. Some things have changed for good, while others have changed for bad. One of the worst predicaments American society at present is going through is the lack of economic security. The prices for everything have sky-rocketed, making it extremely difficult for people to survive on their low income. 52% of the Americans who participated in the USA Today poll deemed the country too expensive to live in. In situations where the present is in jeopardy, thinking about the future is out of the question. It is what @thejunquelove highlights in her video, where she discusses how Gen X, due to the country's debilitating economy, is not in the position to even think of retirement.

Image Source: TikTok/@thejunquelove
Image Source: TikTok | @thejunquelove

In the video, the woman shares that there is no way for a human in this economy to take a break after they age. They just cannot enjoy their golden years since there is no way they can save enough to pay for things at that age. The woman states point blank, "I am obviously Gen X and my retirement plan is to pass away." Having lived in this economy for so many years, she clearly knows her future and adds, "I'm not sure how many other Gen X people have that as their retirement goal, but I know that I will be working one day and fall over dead, and that's how it goes."

Image Source: TikTok/@thejunquelove
Image Source: TikTok | @thejunquelove

Soon, the video became viral and other creators started showcasing their frustration. In a stitch with Jen, @sarah25100000 aired her grievances about the futility of the work they are doing. Ultimately, people have nothing to show for it. They work themselves to the bones and get nothing out of it except being able to survive. She shares in her video, "I'm assuming on my gravestone, it's gonna say: she worked herself to death and had nothing to show for it because that's how it is. I am at the point [where] I'm starting to really hate work, not my current job." The woman further elucidates her desperation by sharing that her current state is such that if she gets an offer to be a part of a cult that will pay for her amenities, she will sign up for it.

Image Source: TikTok/@ncstarseed
Image Source: TikTok | @ncstarseed

Another creator, Nadia—who goes by @ncstarseed on TikTok—gave a glimpse into a more grim outlook that millennials have been forced to adapt to because of the situation at hand. In her video, she shares how she went through a mental breakdown with her girlfriend about turning 40, especially regarding the fact that she does not have enough money to retire before 75. She also adds that she does not even have enough money to live beyond 80 in the country.

Image Source: TikTok/@very_veronica0420
Image Source: TikTok | @very_veronica0420

The woman backs it up by giving an example of an old woman in her 80s she is taking care of. She shares that the old woman has to pay $15,000 for her care, something Nadia will never have been able to afford in her 80s. It led to her making a pact with her girlfriend. She told her girlfriend, "If I reach 75 and we don't have at least enough money to have 25 more good years of living or to have one of us take care of each other...then we should make an unalive pact."

Image Source: TikTok/@lilybelle360
Image Source: TikTok | @lilybelle360

The comment section in @thejunquelove's all agreed with her sentiments and expressed a desire for change. @1r1shson clarifies how this is not the plan people mostly seek, but it is the only option because of present conditions, "I mean it's not my 'plan' but as a Gen X, I've become aware that it's my reality." @biscuitt22 shared their plans till the doom day and wrote, "I always say I'll be working till lunchtime on the day of my funeral."

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