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Gay man gives a shout-out to a woman he met by chance in a parking lot: 'You made my evening'

He shared how great he felt after that chance meeting and what happened next made the internet go into raptures.

Gay man gives a shout-out to a woman he met by chance in a parking lot: 'You made my evening'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @wowrealneat

Life is full of surprises and we never know what a day brings. Though we meet new people every day, it is surprising how some of them can have a huge impact on our lives and we never even guessed when we first met them. In a viral video, photographer David Frazier from Portland, Oregon—who goes by @wowrealnea on TikTok—shared a wholesome moment with a random stranger he met at a grocery store parking lot. The man was so uplifted by that short exchange with the woman that he gave her a shout-out on TikTok and the responses were crazy.

Image Source: TikTok | @wowrealneat
Image Source: TikTok | @wowrealneat

"If you were the girl I talked to in the parking lot of a New Seasons grocery store in the Northwest district of Portland last night, I need you to know that you made my evening." Hoping that his video finds the girl, David expresses his gratitude. When he stopped at the store to get a burrito, he briefly saw the girl parked next to him vibing in a Tesla and they exchanged a smile. When he returned after his purchase, she rolled down her window and asked, "Hey! Are you single?" The man then told her that he was single but was "very gay." The girl then explained that she thought she had a chance with him and told him he was handsome.

Image Source: TikTok | @wowrealneat
Image Source: TikTok | @wowrealneat

David was "floored by this interaction" and also returned her flattery. The duo laughed at their little banter and moved on for the night. David was unsure if his response fully conveyed how he felt about the wholesome encounter with that stranger. Appreciating the girl's guts to say such a random nice thing, David said, "Respect to you. That was so kind and flattering." The queer guy felt that despite being so pretty, the girl was genuinely honest when complimenting him and called her a "cool person." Having gone through a rough year, this short interaction left a big grin on David's face for the rest of the night and he felt "bubbling, giggly and giddy." "You have uplifted me in a way that I didn't know I needed and it made me feel amazing," he said, expressing his heartfelt gratitude. Wishing that she finds a cute guy in her life, David even invited her for a friendly coffee meet-up.

Image Source: TikTok | @whatwould_boudica_do
Image Source: TikTok | @whatwould_boudica_do
Image Source: TikTok | @a_2010_21
Image Source: TikTok | @a_2010_21
Image Source: TikTok | @disastermagnet
Image Source: TikTok | @disastermagnet

With over 3 million views and 5k comments, this video went viral. People in the comment section were rooting for the guy to find the girl. "The fact you didn't realize she was waiting on you to come back out probably hyping herself up to say something! Love this!" commented @healing_innerg. "I think women collectively realized the love of our life will not just pop up at our door. Kudos to her for going for it!" @socratesha praised the kind woman. "I hope this finds her cause I need to see you guys having coffee and being besties," wrote @whoooostht.

Image Source: TikTok | @tifniemayberry
Image Source: TikTok | @tifaniemayberry
Image Source: TikTok | @felanie02.22.2022
Image Source: TikTok | @felanie02.22.2022
Image Source: TikTok | @campbellciecie
Image Source: TikTok | @campbellciecie

Know what the best part is? A month later, TikTok helped David find the girl, Tifanie Mayberry (tifaniemayberry). She posted a response video that gained 12M views and over 17K comments. Mayberry was all smiles for David's wholesome flattery and she captioned her video, "Never expected for this to come back around like this. Oh my God. The internet is internetting and I LOVE it!!" One could see a gush of happiness on her face throughout the video as the guy was expressing his gratitude and joy. "The fact you posted this positivity out into what can be such a negative world and just watching this really uplifted my whole day," wrote @whimsicalwaddler. "Huge relief that you've been found. Can't wait for the coffee video," commented @themuthership. 

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