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Gas station worker explains why he loves to card cops who come to buy cigarettes

Andrew Bilinsky works at a gas station and enjoys giving police officers a taste of their own medicine.

Gas station worker explains why he loves to card cops who come to buy cigarettes
Image source: TikTok/@newandrewville

Police officers wield a lot of power and it's all too often on full display when dealing with ordinary civilians, even in situations that warrant a more community policing oriented approach. A gas station employee decided to find out what would happen if the roles were reversed. TikTok user @newandrewville, who goes by Andrew Bilinsky, is a regular employee at a gas station and it's his duty to ensure tobacco products aren't sold to those below the age of 21, reported Comicsands.



The FDA has made it clear that it's a violation of federal law for any retailer to sell any nicotine or tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. Bilinsky found himself in the unique position of having to ensure customers aren't below 21 and some of his customers were cops. Bilinsky is clearly no fan of cops but he saw a unique opportunity to give them a taste of their own medicine. He shared a video explaining what he usually does when cops come to buy tobacco products and it's going viral. The video has garnered close to 500,000 views and 143,000 likes. 





Many people would be scared to dictate to a cop but not Bilinsky—let's not discount the fact that he is white, which certainly plays a role. He even deployed his cop voice to let them know that he was messing with them and doing exactly what they did to civilians. "I want to tell you guys about something that makes me happier than I can describe," he started. "I work at a gas station and I lovvvvee when cops come in to buy cigarettes or chewing tobacco because I always card them. I always do it in a stern voice: 'I'm gonna need to see some ID.' Oh, it makes me feel so good. For like two seconds, I almost understand the power trip that they get every single time that they do that to somebody." He also explained how cops don't like it one bit. "The funniest part is that every time I do that, these cops... they make a stink about it. They're like, 'Seriously? I need to show you my ID?' I'm like yeaah, and I smile really big and I shoo them off on their way. Goodbye, back into the night." 





People just couldn't get over his audacity and lauded him for sticking it to the cops. "Be over the top with it next time. Check it under the light, tilt the card, hold it up next to their face. Anything to waste their time," wrote one user and he replied, "Ohhhh, such an excellent idea. Thank you for the suggestion, I will." Another person who had a similar experience wrote, "I used to do this too when I worked at a gas station and the look on their faces is 😘👌 *chef's kiss* especially when they're in a rush like lol nah."





Some commented on his appearance and even compared him to the Riddler from the Batman comics. "You giving me The Riddler Vibes. You got the glasses, attitude, and voice too 😂" Another commented, "I have no idea who you are but you look, sound, and act like someone from an early 80’s coming of age movie and I thoroughly enjoy it." Another user wrote, "See but the power trip is only because you’re doing it back to an oppressor! You don't get that same high from carding any random person, just them lol." One user pitched in with a story from his workplace. "We got a new manager and no longer give cops free food. they're so mad! I love it. $10.65, lil man. put it in my hand" One person chimed in, "hehe I manage a smoke shop and you sir, have just given me the best idea."

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