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Gas station gives free gas to anyone who walks in doing a 'silly dance': 'Free gas if we like it'

The contest has been praised for its ability to spread positivity and bring people together, reminding us of the importance of taking a moment to have fun and be silly.

Gas station gives free gas to anyone who walks in doing a 'silly dance': 'Free gas if we like it'
Cover Image Source: Reddit | r/MadeMeSmile

The hustle culture has made us believe that we only live for paying bills and surviving one day at a time. However, in times like these, it is more important to not lose out on our quirky and fun selves. A gas station sought to encourage just that when they put up a notice that offers $5 worth of free gas to anyone who does a 'silly dance' while walking. However, they have a condition: the dance should entertain the staff and if a person does it extremely well, they are ready to amp up the prize to $10 worth of free gas.

The video of people attempting to win free gas was uploaded by u/suktupbutterkup on Reddit and has received over 100k upvotes in a matter of 24 hours.

Image Source: Reddit | r/MadeMeSmile
Image Source: Reddit | u/suktupbutterkup

The clip starts with the gas station notice that reads, “Today only - Do a silly dance walking in – If we like it - $5 gas free on us.” A note is added with a postscript just below the big one, “$10 if we really like it,” highlighting the word “really.” The store owners were clear with their instructions to win the prize.

Image Source: Reddit | r/MadeMeSmile
Image Source: Reddit | u/suktupbutterkup

As the video proceeds two elderly men can be seen grabbing the opportunity and showing off their silly walks. Another clip of a young man shows him grooving and shaking to impress the cashier and get the whopping prize. It becomes more hilarious when various men and women from different age groups try their luck at it and have fun doing so. This quirky contest must have given them a much-needed break from the mundane responsibilities of life.

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

Reddit users absolutely loved this contest and its contestants' determination to win the prize. u/coconutyum wrote, “When the woman came in, doing her dance and the dude at the fridge started dancing again when he saw her. Perfection.” u/Weird-Swim-9777 commented, “The twerk followed by vanishing in the aisle was just chef's kiss.” u/SinCityLola shared, “I love these moments with strangers. How amazingly beautiful that this sign was able to bring positivity to so many people's day. Our emotions are contagious - one positive word can change someone’s entire day.”

Image Source: Reddit | r/MadeMeSmile
Image Source: Reddit

u/arnausp even had a plan as they shared, "I'm thinking I would put a copy of this in random places. Without the owners knowing, that would be hilarious." u/celesticaxxz said the video gave them hope, "Whenever I think humanity needs to be wiped out and I see a video like this, I think maybe we can make it."

Rightly so, with hectic schedules and the quest to balance the equilibrium of life people strain themselves but forget the fun side of it all. Spending a good moment like this, whether you win the free gas or not, takes some load off our shoulders.


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