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Frustrated woman speaks out against parents bringing noisy kids to nice restaurants, sparking debate

The woman was frustrated by how loud the kids were while she was trying to have a nice dinner date and people have mixed opinions.

Frustrated woman speaks out against parents bringing noisy kids to nice restaurants, sparking debate
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @kd81322

Irrespective of their surroundings, it is natural for kids to be excited and bustling with energy. After all, all they care about is fun and entertainment. They don't understand if a place is classy or modest; they just want to be who they are. But for some people, it gets uncomfortable to be around such loud and frenzied kids. One Oklahoma woman, Kelsey Davis (@kd81322), shared on TikTok her frustrating experience with some noisy kids when she and her husband were trying to have a nice and peaceful dinner. As she insisted that parents shouldn't bring their kids to upscale restaurants, people pitched in their diverse opinions.

Image Source: TikTok | @kd81322
Image Source: TikTok | @kd81322

In the video, Davis and her husband were having dinner at Nola's, a ritzy Cajun restaurant in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The noisy background seemed to be quite unusual for a classy restaurant like that. Speaking of her chaotic surroundings, Davis said, "The table of children, not to miss, are arguing. And the mom just said, 'I'm gonna beat your a**.'" She added, "One of them has their tablet on volume 97 and I literally can't even hear the music in the restaurant because I'm listening to her tablet as I paid over $30 for my meal at a nice restaurant." 

Image Source: TikTok | @kd81322
Image Source: TikTok | @kd81322

In the next clip, the mom of five was then seen speaking from her car after her not-so-satisfying dinner date. She began her rant by saying, "Don't take your s**t a** kids to nice restaurants because there are some married couples who pay to get rid of their kids for the evening to go have a nice dinner." Davis had to listen to "Toy Story" playing loudly on a kid's tablet from the adjacent table because "these parents couldn't pay attention to their kids." She mentioned, "Our meal was $140 for the both of us with tip. And I had to listen to screaming a** kids b****ing at each other and their tablets."

Finally, the exhausted Davis told parents to "leave their kids at home and get a babysitter," and not to take them to such fancy restaurants so that people like her could enjoy their dinner date at peace. Speaking to about this, David said that after finally getting a table at the famous Nola's, she had a "stressful experience because of that one awful family." The kids weren't toddlers and as per Davis, they aged between 9 to 12. So, she felt that they could've behaved better. "This wasn’t McDonald’s. It was a nice Cajun restaurant. People need to teach their kids how to act in public," said Davis. 

Image Source: TikTok | @crazygoatladyrae
Image Source: TikTok | @crazygoatladyrae


Image Source: TikTok | @jordanr95
Image Source: TikTok | @jordanr95

With over 60K views, this video received mixed opinions. Many agreed with Davis's view expressing their intolerance to such badly behaved kids. "I always say they should bring back the separate sections and have one for families with kids. I don’t want to hear kids when I don’t have mine!" commented @jmathews1028. "I agree! Love kids, but if they can't be quiet, please don't take them to fine dining! And please don't take them on 4+ hour flights!" wrote @a.a.s352

Image Source: TikTok | @trayc01
Image Source: TikTok | @trayc01
Image Source: TikTok | @gpmbn5
Image Source: TikTok | @gpmbn5

Some were not convinced by Davis's opinion and felt that Davis should have moved to a different table rather than complaining. "Don’t go in public then. Your expectations for a public place are set too high. Kids will be kids and other moms are trying to enjoy a meal too," wrote @grissinger0416. "I agree/disagree. How are they going to learn if you leave them home all the time? But also agree high-dollar meal, you want peace. Truly see both sides," wrote @stephrae40. "When we go out on date night we ask for the hostess to please not seat us near children," wrote @user1361607270185.

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