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Friends stage comical intervention for buddy who never charges his phone

His friends humorously and lovingly confront his low phone battery habit in a video via emotional and funny speeches.

Friends stage comical intervention for buddy who never charges his phone
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @austinpaul_

We all know that one friend always lets their phone battery drop to dangerously low levels and never seems to take action to fix it. However, it is a bit rare to have a group of friends who not only notice but take a stand to change their friend's habits in a dramatic and heartfelt way. Austin Paul—who goes by @austinpaul_ on TikTok—is lucky enough to have that kind of support, and his friends’ intervention to solve his low-battery problem became a hit with everyone on the internet.

Image Source: TikTok | @austinpaul_
Image Source: TikTok | @austinpaul_

In the video, Austin walks into a room where his friends are gathered and finds an empty chair set up for him. A banner on the wall catches his eye, reading: "Austin, Be better please." Clearly puzzled, Austin looks around as his friends start to share their feelings about his constant low battery issue, each taking their turn to speak. One friend starts with a heartfelt message, "I'd like to start with a few words, Austin, my uncharged hero. As the mother of this friend group, you leave me in a constant state of stress. Where is Austin? Somewhere with his phone on 4%." She continued, "I love you with 100% of my heart and I'm here to support you during this challenging new chapter."

Image Source: TikTok | @austinpaul_
Image Source: TikTok | @austinpaul_

Another friend says, "Dear Austin, our low battery friend. We know how hard of a struggle this journey has been for you." His friend adds, "We're here just to make it easier because every message, call and notification is a bridge between us. And I brought you a little gift." The gift, predictably is a phone charger. Another friend weighs in with their concern, "My beautiful, my bright uncharged baby boy. My thumbs are sore from the 'charge' emojis that I send to you. The call I gave you earlier about getting a new laptop was bullsh*t." They continued, "I just wanted to make sure the charging accessories I got you today are compatible."

The last friend gets emotional during the intervention. It’s hard for them to talk without crying as they share how much they care about Austin. "It's so hard to speak about this without crying. I love you so much and you've been one of my best friends in the world for almost 10 years. You're like family to me and it's painful to see your life like this." She says she often has to laugh off questions from others about why Austin never charges his phone. "Every time I see your battery percentage dropping, my heart drops, too. You have to keep your phone charged at least 20% at all times. I fear for your life when you don't charge it." she continues to say.

This video led to viewers sharing laughs and humor. @runson.angst.and.anxiety commented, "The way everyone had their intervention speech on their phone." @jaywildheart joked, "They say that intervention should be at the (battery) lowest point in your life. You guys saved him today." @sarashaddle pointed out, "The fact that they paid money for the banners shows commitment to the bit."

Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok | @malakenai
Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok | @wasatch_bound
Image Source: TikTok |
Image Source: TikTok | @sarashaddle



I promise its not a problem 😭

♬ original sound - Austin Paul


You can follow Austin Paul (@austinpaul_) on TikTok for more funny videos and content.

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