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Single mom who was sent to prison once passes bar exam on the first try and her reaction is wholesome

The woman had a difficult journey trying to reach her goal of becoming an attorney, now she is making her family proud.

Single mom who was sent to prison once passes bar exam on the first try and her reaction is wholesome
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @afrika.owes

A New York mom proved to everybody and herself that every individual deserves a chance. 30-year-old single mom Afrika Owes, who has been incarcerated previously, passed the New York bar exam on her first attempt. She took to TikTok to share the big news. Afrika Owes sat down to check the results of her bar exam on her laptop as the video began. She was carrying photos of her son Cairo, mom, and grandmom with her while her brother stood behind her for moral support. She sat on the desk with her documents and looked both excited and tense as she checked her results.

Image Source: TikTok | @afrika.owes
Image Source: TikTok | @afrika.owes

The woman had a very focused expression on her face before it turned into a surprised one when she saw her result. She jumped in glee and started repeating, "I passed," over and over again. Owes then turned to give her brother who looked really happy for her a hug. She eventually broke down into tears of joy and said, "I knew I could do it. I passed." The mom revealed a glitch in her letter and shared, "Oh, I got to fix this letter. Because why did the top of the letter say pro bono not certified, but then it congratulates?" 

As the woman started crying again, her brother comforted her by saying that she didn't need to worry anymore and asked her if she was okay. He told her, "Congratulations Afrika. I love you man. I am so happy for you." The caption of the video read, "Thank you to my angels, my momma, my grandma. Thank you to my son, my brother, my family, and my tribe. I am beyond happy to join the ranks of the 2% of Black women attorneys in the US." 

Cover Image Source: TikTok | @afrika.owes
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @afrika.owes

In an interview with Good Morning America, the woman shared more details of her journey to achieving this feat. When she was younger Afrika was inspired by her mother who would advocate for their Harlem community. However, there were a few hiccups down the road for the woman. In 2011, when Owes was seventeen she was arrested and charged for a conspiracy case involving gangs. She pleaded guilty to possession of weapons and conspiracy which led her to getting sentenced under the New York youthful offender program. This brought her sentence down to six months and a few years of probation as per the outlet. Owes expressed, "After successfully completing two years of college, which was a condition of my release, I was taken off of probation. I was adjudicated as a youthful offender."

Image Source: TikTok | @
Image Source: TikTok | @princess_demonika


Image Source: TikTok | @
Image Source: TikTok | @shopdivastatus

"I want my story to be a testament to that, for communities as well, that everybody makes mistakes," Owes remarked. @alireeeed commented on her video, "Not only that but the New York bar exam! First try? Oh, queen, you are unstoppable." @girlbosstown wrote, "Passing the school of life and the school of law - both equally important for growth!! Proud of you. Being raised by a single mom is a huge reason behind my success." @jenn8654 expressed, "So me and the lady standing behind me in Target are crying with you! We are both so proud of you!" @dellara shared, “'I knew I could do it.' Made me cry. What an affirming moment. There’s nothing you can’t do - keep shining your beautiful light- You are an inspiration to so many."

@afrika.owes Thank you to my angels, my momma, my grandma. Thank you for my son, my brother, my family and my tribe. I’m beyond happy to join the ranks of the 2% of Black women Attorneys in the U.S. #singlemom #attorney #blackattorney #lawyer ♬ golden hour - piano version - main character melodies


You can follow Afrika Owes (@afrika.owes) on TikTok for more lifestyle videos. 

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